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>> No.20423850 [View]
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Alright. I finished Rhythm of War. And in those remaining 13 hours, nothing happened that I didn't expect to happen.
Kaladin's story ended exactly as it was heavily foreshadowed early on.
Shallan's story ended exactly as it was heavily foreshadowed early on.
Adolin's story ended exactly as it was heavily foreshadowed early on.
Navani's story ended exactly as it was heavily foreshadowed early on.
Venli's story remained boring.

What a let down. And I thought the series was going somewhere good. I'd grade the first book a C. The second a C+. The third a B. But Rhythm of War? D. Like always, Sanderson writes a logically and thematically coherent story. So I can't give him an F. But he SUCKS all joy from the story by overexplaining everything. Blah, blah, blahdity blah blah. The man can't help himself. Bloviating cuck.

Welp... that's it, Sandersonfags. I've tried the best he has. Or at least, the best you claimed he has. And in the end, I'm left disappointed. I am now firmly in the anti-Sanderson camp. You will never convince me to read anything from him again. And for anyone who wants to say "I told you so". No you didn't. You told me book 2 is worse than 1, and 3 is worse than 2. But you were wrong. The got progressively better, only to take a nose dive in book 4.

I calculated how much time this series stolenfrom me. The time YOU anons stolen from me. In all, it adds up to 8 days, 14 hours, 19 minutes, 28 seconds. I share in the blame however. Because I always make the mistake of affording others the benefit of the doubt. I always try to see the best in others. But I should know by now that some people simply have shit-ass tastes. Sanderson's books are for people who are so dull, that you need to BLUDGEON them over the head with exposition to make sure they follow. I can't believe I allowed myself to give him so many chances.

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