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>> No.19445021 [View]
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what is the definitive list of red-pilled authors?

aside from Rene Guenon of course

>> No.19070265 [View]
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start with the Traditionalists

>> No.17248992 [View]
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imagine supporting the views of someone with a physiognomy like this LMAO

>> No.17121532 [View]
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a literal brainlet lmao

>> No.16596850 [View]
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What authors should one read before starting with Guenon?

>> No.16367741 [View]
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There is one eternal metaphysical truth existing all around us like a radio signal, and throughout the ages, people from different cultures receive revealed scriptures which communicate this eternal truth through a symbolism befitting that era, language and culture and their worldview. Not every claim of prophethood, or revealed scripture are true. In some religions this eternal truth is taught openly as a mainstream theological doctrine and in other religions it remains in the closely guarded province of esoterism and initiatory brotherhoods.

>> No.15921017 [View]
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>> No.15632035 [View]
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The crisis of the modern world

>> No.15320448 [View]
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I don't understand why you like him so much.. Seems like a faker.. Just read The Crises of the Modern World and was so disappointed.. Not as good as some other books that deal with circular history like Spengler's "The Decline of the West", and his take on old principals isn't as good as it is with Mircea Eliade or even Frazer.. Seems like a high schooler that read some hindu texts... Very shallow, short and with no arguments, devoting a lot of pages to idiotic stuff everybody knows and not explaining any of the "new" ideas under a clever bullshit that it can't be explained

>> No.15198669 [View]
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This is the kind of thing that runs through a redditor's head as he feels the vindication of rating Moby Dick 1/5 on goodreads running through his veins.

Unironically, yes, art (along with literacy and voting rights) is wasted on 95% of people.

>> No.15101396 [View]
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thanks OP I had never heard of this but will order it soon

>> No.15100949 [View]
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>This is fucking retarded
we tried to warn you...

>> No.14975772 [View]
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you are a mental midget, which also explains why you like Bougereau

artrenewal are boomer faggots whose emotional sensibility was honed by american popculture, small wonder they fellate l'art pompier as if it already weren't a symptom of degeneration

>> No.14478993 [View]
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This is in fact the position taken up by one form of evolutionism, namely Bergsonian intuitionism, which in fact is not less individualistic and anti-metaphysical than rationalism itself; indeed, although it is just in its criticism of the latter, it sinks even lower, by appealing to a faculty that is really infra-rational, to a vaguely defined sensory intuition more or less mixed up with imagination, instinct, and sentiment. It is highly significant that there is no longer any question here of 'truth', but only of a 'reality' that is reduced exclusively to the sensible order and conceived as something essentially changing and unstable; with such theories, intelligence is reduced to its lowest part, and reason itself is no longer admitted except insofar as it is applied to fashioning matter for industrial uses. After this there remained but one step: the total denial of intelligence and knowledge altogether and the substitution of 'utility' for 'truth'. This step was pragmatism, to which we have just referred; here we are no longer even in the merely human domain as with rationalism, for the appeal to the 'subconscious', which marks the complete reversal of the normal hierarchy, brings us down in fact to the infra-human. This, in its main outlines, is the course that 'profane' philosophy, left to itself and claiming to limit all knowledge to its own horizon, was bound to tread, and has indeed trodden: as long as there existed a higher knowledge, nothing of this sort could happen, for philosophy was bound at least to respect that of which it was ignorant, but whose existence it could not deny; but when this higher knowledge had disappeared, its negation, already a fact, was soon erected into a theory, and it is from this that all modern philosophy has sprung.

>> No.14473358 [View]
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>"The case of Freud himself, founder of 'psychoanalysis', is quite typical in
this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further
remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it he because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the 'malefic' and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate in Jews detached from their tradition?"

>> No.14443412 [View]
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René Guénon

>> No.14300096 [View]
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This thread is dedicated to the most sagacious of shitposters, Guenonfag (pbuh). I have you to thank for getting me into Traditionalism, I don't know how I will ever be able to fully express my boundless gratitude that I feel for you. Reading Guenon was an illuminating experience which revealed to me the numerous error of my naive materialist and progressive views, I now feel like a new man. Guenonfag, you are the internet Bodhisattva of Traditionalism, willingly plunging into the shithole of 4chan to rescue us undeserving and unsuspecting ignoramuses from the depths of our own ignorance.

It's incredibly inspiring to watch Guenonfag confront both the crypto-materialist 'Buddhists' as well as the Discord-Tranny/processfag clique who plague this board. We truly don't deserve him but still he selflessly is always ready to take the fight to them, one might be inclined to say that he had the disposition of a kshatriya if it weren't for the profound understanding of metaphysics found in his posts that indubitably shows his brahminhood. The seductive allure of Guenonfag is enhanced by his enigmatic status; a man, a myth, a legend or something more? Is he a Mexican Feminist, a perennialist north African, an Indian boomer or a larping American teenager? Nobody knows! He reminds me of the elusive Archimboldi of Bolano's 2666. We can infer that he is familiar with Guenon's writing on the importance and signifiance of anonymity in Traditional cultures.

On Guenonfag's recommendation I began to read both Adi Shankara and Ibn Arabi, oh wonder of wonders! I was most unprepared for the sublime wisdom contained within that put all of western philosophy to shame. And to think that if I had never happened perchance to see Guenonfag's posts on /lit/ I would have never been awakened from my slumber! The icing on the cake is just watching all the seething shizos that follow in Guenonfag's wake, breathlessly inhaling and then fruitlessly attacking all of his shitposts as if doing so will make a difference (it won't). Their feeble attempts at posting their silly copypastas and screencaps of anonymous posts "exposing" him only helps the Traditionalist cause by making its enemies look like deranged morons. When observing butthurt schizos impotently trying to rebuke his brilliance I'm reminded of the line from the Immortal Technique song called The Prophecy that goes "your attempts to extinguish me don't even bother me none, just like retarded kids throwing icecubes at the sun"


>inb4 t. Guenonfag
How I wish I could aspire to the lofty heights whereupon he resides

>> No.13898399 [View]
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>The Congregation of Gnosis is dedicated to the furthering of society by teaching a wide range of topics on science, mathematics, culture, and philosophy. We aim to bring a new society, wherein each and every one of its members are practicing their passions while contributing to the betterment of the society.

-Those who seek, do not know [regarding the Gnosis]
-René Guénon

Guénon is right. Those societies or humans, that dedicate themselves to "seek" gnosis (or knowledge) are bound to fail. For true gnosis can only be transmitted and given, for it has existed since beginning. It cannot be searched or "found": for it has existed since the beginning.

Those, who seek, do not possess the keys to it.

>> No.13556647 [View]
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>> No.12209471 [View]
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>In our time it is fashionable to exalt work of whatever sort and no matter how it is accomplished, as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order. Contrary to what the moderns think, any work that is done indiscriminately by anyone solely for the pleasure of acting or because of the need to ‘earn one’s living’ hardly merits being exalted, and indeed it can only be regarded as something abnormal, opposed to the order that ought to regulate human institutions, to such a point that, in the conditions of our age, it only too often acquires a character that without any exaggeration qualifies as ‘infra-human’. What our contemporaries seem to ignore completely is that work is not truly valid unless it conforms to the very nature of the being that accomplishes it and results therefrom in a spontaneous and necessary way, as it were, so that it is no more than the means for that nature to realize itself as perfectly as possible.
- "Glorification Of Work" - René Guénon

Is Guénon right /lit/?

Is there any superlative value to perform work for work's sake and are we to hail those working class heroes who hardly do nothing more than ‘earn one’s living’ and maximize the profits of Mr. Shekelstein?

Is it some sort of stoic endeavor to waste your life away doing something absolutely loathsome only to survive?

>But it has always been this way!
Hardly so. This is extremely modern phenomenon.

>> No.11880156 [DELETED]  [View]
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Freud is perfect example of Jewish/Semitic thought infiltrating mainstream consciousness.
As Marx tried to explain whole of history as a class strugle, Freud produced his own theory-of-everything that tried to explain the very fundamentals of man.

There is no spirit in system of Freud. The traditional philosophies of the world all agreed upon that Man is triune being with a spirit, soul and a body. Pscyhoanalyst school destroyed this classification: the psyche [Greek: “Soul”] became the very source of all. There was no room left for Spirit [Latin: Spiritus]

Freud and the pscyhoanalyst school try to not even veil by their intentions. In his book "Reign of Quantity", Guénon argues:
>There are also some who adopt the term 'unconscious' as a synonym or equivalent of 'subconscious', and this term, taken literally, would seem to refer to an even lower level, but as a matter of fact it only corresponds less closely to reality; if the object of study were really unconscious it is difficult to see how it could be spoken of at all, especially in psychological terms; and besides, what good reason is there, other than mere materialistic and mechanistic prejudice, for assuming that anything unconscious really exists? However that may be, there is another thing worthy of note, and that is the strange illusion which leads psychologists to regard states as being more 'profound' when they are quite simply more inferior; is not this already an indication of the tendency to run counter to spirituality, which alone can be truly profound since it alone touches the principle and the very center of the being? Correspondingly, since the domain of psychology is not extended upward, the 'superconscious' naturally remains as strange to it and as cut off from it as ever.

Psychoanalyst school is essentially a perversion and inversion. They tend to put the unconscious or subconscious state as the essence, or foundation, it is a denial of Spirit [spiritus] to replace it with psyche [psychē]

Psychoanalytical school being the most dangerous of these jewish agitative revolutionary theories, for it denies the both reality and transcendence of spirit and achieves the final satanic perversion of all religion and hierarchy: that man is nothing more but an mere animal driven by his animal unconscious sexual desires and needs.

This of course, puts the Talmudists and Jewish rabbinical in special relation to the Cattle [or Goyim] for it is the very essence of Jewish teaching that only the Jews are truly Human: the rest of the mankind is on par with animals, as Talmud teaches us.

>Not only German psychotherapists but Freud, too, had wanted to use Jung, both to legitimize and carry forward psychoanalysis and, speaking of racial politics, to unite "Jews and goyim in the service of psychoanalysis" (Letter of Freud to Sandor Ferenczi, as quoted in Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time, New York: Norton, 1988, p. 26).

>> No.11490507 [View]
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Imagine going to the "Love Island Villa" and try to initiate topics about metaphysics and perennialist philosophy

Would unironically watch

>> No.11376186 [View]
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>In the origin of the Democratic Illusion is the denial of the natural hierarchy, whose clearer expression is in the Hindú Doctrine of Castes, hierarchy that settles down from top to bottom, that is, from the highest quality, the spiritual, until the least high, in other words, the material. The mentors of the modern democracy based it precisely on what exists of more roughly material and quantitative.

>The denial of the qualitative superiority and of the hierarchy begins at the end of the Medium Age, more precisely by the year of 1313, with the destruction of the Order of the Temple by Felipe the Beautiful, then King of France. This monarch ordered to surround the Pope's palace, that died humiliated few days after such insult. Felipe, the Beautiful, decides then to force the nomination of a submissive pope, easy to his greed and to his political projects, what will be impossible under the authority of a real Sumo Pontífice.

>The denial of the priestly superiority (typical attitude of rioted Kchatriya) implicates the denial of the Unique, or God. But, respecting the logic, is it possible to defend such denial?

I think we are done here.

>> No.11364447 [View]
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>“The quantitative degeneration of all things is closely linked to that of money, as is shown by the fact that nowadays the ‘worth’ of an object is ordinarily ‘estimated’ only in terms of its price, considered simply as a ‘figure’, a ‘sum’, or a numerical quantity of money; in fact, with most of our contemporaries, every judgment brought to bear on an object is nearly always based exclusively on what it costs. The word ‘estimate’ has been emphasized because it has in itself a double meaning, qualitative and quantitative; today the first meaning has been lost to sight, or what amounts to the same thing, means have been found to equate it to the second, and thus it comes about that not only is the ‘worth’ of an object ‘estimated’ according to its price, but the ‘worth’ of a man is ‘estimated’ according to his wealth.”

Guénon actually wrote a whole book about it. We have gone from Quality to Quantity.

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