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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1731420 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After girls have
been gone awhile
let me come in
and see your smile.

Tell you about me,
In general ways
Of general things.
While we lay in your
Soft bed cuddling.

You’d me remind of things
I might’ve forgotten,
Though some of what I say
doesn’t make sense at bottom,
you stroke my hair with
my head on your bosom.

Around my eyes stickiness
Of saltwater drying will
Rub off with your soft caress
As I wonder at how strong
You are, and your cleverness.
It would never ever change.

You’d never ever change in vain,
You’d never do this just for gain,
You would laugh, but not at my pain,
But with me squeezing you again.
Always my Venus and so motherly,
in your embrace light and balmy,
You’re always the one who calms me,
My feminine and wise swami.

>> No.1576655 [View]
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I've never felt so alone
since kicking in the womb...

>> No.1553955 [View]
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>> No.1461208 [View]
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>hates on people that don't enjoy partying
>hates on people that don't enjoy casual sex
Such a sad man......

>> No.1391187 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won an invite in a thread but op didnt send me it just because im me :/

>> No.1383986 [View]
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no muscle is so unfashionable, its 2010. muscle doesnt go with my style either.

i think women are just fucking retarded. they're all similar to a degree since they experience the same 'oppression' or w/e it is, that stops them from liking different things or being progressive like me. thats why there's hardly any girls on 4chan or hardly any girls with hipsters tastes, fetishes, liking _ , etc. theres meant to be more/equal women on earth yet they're always the minority in niche things

think im gonna have to go gay for effeminate men. jeez thats such a bummer.

>> No.1371895 [View]
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you make me sad KOZ. i hate skins (via being jelly i was never an edgy but social elite teen in high school)

>> No.1366782 [View]
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no i'm just jelly tbh.

i want to be /fa/ but i dont buy £600 jackets like you because even if i just wear the entrylvl stuff i still feel insecure because im so awkward still even if i dress better. i dont know what to do. also i feel to young to wear nice shoes

>> No.1336679 [View]
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what's wrong with it op? maybe you need to read Twilight & stop being so judgmental.

>> No.1315517 [View]
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>for real. relationships with people are hard work to maintain. it's all quite tiresome.
no i dont think you have real friends if its hard work. i had one friend like that but then i was too boring so i was ditched.

i dont know how to go about getting a bff though. maybe you need to get lots of shitty friends, then amongst them you find one good one. then you repeat that until one of your good friends is your bff.

that does seem alot of work though because of the shitty phony people. maybe i should just commit suicide or be alone.

also i have come to find that people i like are usually already pretty popular so i either feel too inferior to them or too afraid to talk to those people.

maybe i need to be friends with lots of losers to finally become decent myself. maybe this is a lifetime task i should have started in pre-school.

>> No.1307560 [View]
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>last read
Golden Bowl, Hamlet & The Stranger.
>currently reading
not sure, maybe Amerika & The Castle.
maybe the iliad/odyssey. or twilight.

My only recommendation is to stop reading, all of you.

>> No.1299420 [View]
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>get into uni
>fees are paid for you
>you get expenses allowance
>£1000 profit for getting into uni
>freak out about going into lectures & generally looking like a freak & having no friends to talk to
>spend weekdays in coffee shops reading
>will now drop out before December since it means the fees haven't been paid yet & it's like you haven't gone/wasted a year
Feels ok. I wish I had friends though. Dunno what I'm gonna do after officially dropping out.

>> No.1289371 [View]
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not sure. dont feel like reading. gonna listen to red house painters, maybe cut myself a bit (this is getting extremely addictive that im loosing room) & maybe just chill here. might watch Metropolis as well on one screen.

>f5ing /g/ and /lit/
/b/ackwash reloaded
4chan x
4chan XXX and image name expander (updater compatible)


>> No.1284771 [View]
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>But you're right: There will never be a shortage of that particular stripe of dumbass on 4chan

do i have to answer this quiz? :|
i guess it would be worthwhile.

>I'm 18 and he seems pretty clever to me
;_; no please dont, i was joking. im not smart at all & really just a pathetic sub-human leech irl. wish i wasnt but i am.

>lets fuck
i'm not a very sexual person so i have to decline. i really badly need friends tho ;,(

also does anyone find my personality likeable/attractive at all on here? pls dont say yes out of pity....

>> No.1280625 [View]
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I have no friends,
I don't see my counsellor until the week after this one.
You guys are my only friends.
I wish I had a bff.
I hate the hipster girl in the bookshop too much to advance on her 'hinting'/lame social construct BS.
I am too much unlikeable.
Listening to the last movement of Symphony 9 ;_;


>> No.1274852 [View]
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>read TBK for a few hours, make good progress towards finishing it tonight
>come back to my lit
>click frontpage, see this thread
>62 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view
Yet again you guys show that you are -not- superior to any of the other boards. In fact you might even be inferior for thinking so!

also notice how a tripfag is one of only 4 people that has saged this thread so far. thanks for reassuring me, freaks.

>> No.1270233 [View]
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>mfw you were only playing with my heart strings

>> No.1262652 [View]
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>> No.1255942 [View]
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i feel sick now. is outside of arms best?

>> No.1253804 [View]
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d&e how come you've never been /adv/ to me ?

>> No.1251876 [View]
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to find a bff :)

goodnight, /lit/.

>> No.1244780 [View]
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>e-reader fags still getting trolled
just another day on /lit/ :|

>> No.1240162 [View]
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just got these from amazon for £20:
- Ulysses
- Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
- Brothers Karamazov
- Complete novels of Kafka
- Golden Bowl by Henry James

all because im sick of looking like a freak using my PSP to read in public + also so i can show off what im reading.

>> No.1237665 [View]
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>mfw when i'll never be allowed on d&e's "team"

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