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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12494635 [View]
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The lifeless stare spoke to me, I was going to sleep with her tonight. The only choice I had was whether I was going to black out or not. I went with the former. I ordered two Fernets.

I remember the warmth in her eyes when she smiled at me. Holding her was satisfying beyond all dreams or aspirations. I just wanted that Saturday morning to last forever.
I don’t miss being in love, but everything just feels empty when I think about or get with women now.

>> No.12438606 [View]
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First we have to narrow it down, to be /lit/ there has to be some sort of story or character development over time. So multiplayer games like tf2 or DOTA are out of the picture. Next is the issue of balance between gameplay and narration. Games like persona 5 have a garbage combat system that makes getting through the 90 hours of game a slog when the rest of the game does a great job building a world and characters to the generic archetype. Then you have games on the other side of the spectrum where the gameplay is engaging, fluid, and fun, so at that point the plot turns into the cutscene or the “walking around slowly as the characters talk and you can’t do anything” type situations. These games struggle with merging the mediums together and it’s apparent. Then we have games with multiple endings where your choices determine where things go, the choose your own adventure style game. These are important to the medium because the one thing games do and other mediums don’t is player interaction. The problem here is that most games take a black or white style to writing, which makes things predictable and binary. We saw this in mass effect and others. But why make 10 dramatically different games? The majority of the population isn’t gonna play to completion and the budget gets bigger and bigger. The Stanley parable makes this joke well. Unless you’re gonna jerk off to every ending of bible black, it seems annoyingly repetitive to have to work for those alternative 100% true endings.

The point is that games suck and are generally a cash grab that operate out of a history of competition and challenge as opposed to other mediums that have had thousands of years to progress and change and perfect. The little indie developer that’s good at programming, design, and asset creation is probably not also going to be the same guy who was going to write the next great American novel. Eventually there will be someone like that and it will be the perfect union, but until then enjoy ur codblops and asscreed.

>> No.12351880 [View]
File: 45 KB, 500x312, tumblr_mudpltfO0R1r3055wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post this here too, it's a good one:

>This notion that conceptual form or the structuring of the world is generated by sociality and the pragmatic interactions in that public space of language, the ‘give and take of reasons’ (Brandom) – the normative praxis and techniques that invent the possibility of mind in the first instance. Yet, the very process of technicity that has exposed humanity as technology, as symbiont – neither fully machinic nor fully organic has opened to door of futurity. As Nick Land once suggested “the high road to thinking no longer passes through a deepening of human cognition, but rather through a becoming inhuman of cognition, a migration of cognition out into the emerging planetary technosentience reservoir, into ‘dehumanized landscapes … emptied spaces’! where human culture will be dissolved.”

>Our fascination with copies of ourselves in machinic systems that mimic our behavior and our thoughts has been a part of the whole gamut of engineering feats from the early Greeks onwards. Why this fascination to build a perfect image of ourselves in a technical artifact? What has drawn us to invent such a world in which such technical beings may in coming times surpass us and become the higher forms of planet earth? Were we already in our core machinic beings? Is this slow externalization of the organic functions into inorganic forms a teleological process? Are we just fulfilling some already well thought out pre-existing plan, strategy? This notion obviously goes against the grain of all materialist thought in which such designs and designers are mere shadows of Platonic other worlds to be left in the dust bin of strange ideas that were in error. But were they? Why have we continued to seek out and invent external forms of our minds and bodies in technical systems through collectivization processes? What drives us to do this? What are we seeking? Maybe in the end Reza is right:

>Intelligence only springs forth from a race of slaves who have recognized themselves as such, and in this recognition have crafted the most intricate plot – the exploration of time through their history – to abolish any given, which will inevitably become the very condition of exploitation and inequality. Intelligence matures by unlearning its slavery. Intelligence is the race of Cain.


aaarrgh i took like a month to rinse my mind out from all of this stuff and just think about the Journey to the West and Christian mysticism but this stuff is always just too much fun. it's like the old devil whiskey

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