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>> No.22751494 [View]
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>What's the weirdest piece of lore of your setting?
Well, that would probably the fact that the most addictive drug in my setting, equivalent to crack in terms of addiction, is literally fairy dust. Yeah, people turn fairies into dust and then sniff it, specially mages since fairy dust has some interesting magical properties. So if someone is hooked then that's pretty much a clear sign he or she is a mage. This has made fairy hunting a very profitable business. But due to this, fairies are very rare to find nowadays since they put much effort in hiding.
Or maybe the weirded lore is the fact that mages can not only make homunculii through alchemy, but the fact that they can basically create parasite-homunculus and bond them to their bodies. They do this to gain extra limbs or organs. Basically, the homunculus grows inside its parent-mage, like a parasite, but with limbs. This is very dangerous, though, because if not controlled strictly, the mage can lost control over the growth of his parasite, making it grow and grown until there's more homunculus than mage, creating dangerous abominations.
>Do you prefer exotic and alien worlds or more generic ones? Why?
Definetively exotic ones. If the reader wanted a generic setting there's literally thousands, why would he choose yours to spend hours of his life day dreaming?
>What are your biggest inspirations in terms of unique settings?
Morrowind, warhammer, lovecraft works, and just now, the Fear and Hunger games.

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