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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22953390 [View]
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Why was I so obsessed with Russian literature when I was 15? I even tried learning Russian for a bit

>> No.20215251 [View]
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What are some strange things that happened to you that are /lit/ related?
When I was a teenager I worked a summer job at an african owned law firm. I would sit at the reception desk and read most of the time. At the time I was reading "The Idiot" and one of the lawyers started to talk to me about the book—he had a very thick African accent
>"What ah you reading?"
>"The idiot"
>"Ahh, da idiot. Da idiot is always da idiot, no?"
>Assuming this had something to do with the plot I asked if he read the book
>"it is that da idiot... is always da idiot, understand?"
>"come again?"
>"idiot... issa always dey idiot, yes?"
>I just laughed as if I understood the joke and then he walked away
To this day I'm not sure what he meant: was I the idiot being so obtuse? Was it a general comment about society? Was it some in-joke about the book itself that I simply wasn't privy to? I dropped the book soon after. A few days later someone—the other lawyers assume an exclient—defecated all over the front steps of the firm. It was very hot that summer.

>> No.18264903 [View]
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I have a fun story: I was 16 and I was reading The Idiot at my summer job at a law firm. I was working the reception and one the lawyers walked by and asked what I was reading. "The idiot," I told him; and in his very thick African accent he said "Ah, the idiot is always the idiot." I thought maybe he was referencing something in the book so asked him if he read it and he just said "It is that the idiot, is the idiot, yes?" I said I didn't get it and he just repeated himself so I just laughed to get him to walk away. I didn't read anymore of the book and I jerked off at the reception desk for the thrill of it to a music magazine where girl had her tits out—also someone defecated on the law firm's doorstep a few days later

>> No.17678744 [View]
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When I was 17 I worked a summer job at an African owned law firm I was reading this when I sat the reception desk. One of the lawyers asked me what I was reading and I said The Idiot, he said "Ah, the idiot is always the idiot, yeah?" I thought maybe he was quoting it so I asked if he had read it, "Ah no, but the idiot is always the idiot yes?" I told him I didn't really understand what he meant and he just said "It is that the idiot is forever the idiot always." Then he walked away.

>> No.17219829 [View]
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>haha when I said I didn't get something I was just JOKING!!!! Since you thought I was being sincere when I was actually being a SILLY JOKESTER, it is clear to all that you're the idiot and I'm the genius :)

>> No.16723859 [View]
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>> No.16564504 [View]
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You seem to keep arrogantly assuming I didn't read your post or that I read it poorly, or that I read the book itself inattentively, when you seem to be the one with the competency issue. Never did I suggest, or even hint at, that those matters covered were not valuable in the books expositions but it was the manner of covering them—the often overly repetitive style that "goes over itself" multiple times—to be what caused the lack of brevity. And frankly the arrogance and idiocy is beginning to annoy me. Also, you clearly didn't read the book carefully or my post carefully: regarding the latter, I said it was "valuable more" on the information it provides and less so on the improving your reading, and if you were a native English speaker you'd know that means that I'm not explicitly saying that it is useless in improving your ability to read; on the former issue, assuming that all people will benefit from reading the book is stupid because Adler himself states that it only aides those who otherwise are not yet able to preform certain steps or stages of reading—you arrogantly assume that my statement on his affects on me is objective on the book's effect on others. I myself am an English student at University, I spend a lot of time reading analytically and syntopically. If you are already a good reader, in the ways the books suggest you might be, then the book will not give you more understanding—hence my point on its value of the information it provides. Again, get your ESL head out of your ass—not everyone is as stupid poorly read as you. How boorish.

I praised the book and gave a fair critique of it's value to me. The fact that you think it correct to question my competency, despite how wrong you were, is embarrassing. Perhaps you should read the book again, not so you can argue about, but you so you actually learn to read. Faggot.

>> No.16228223 [View]
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>> No.15254248 [View]
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>> No.15250879 [View]
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We should really have a general for this shit. What type of answer are you expecting? I know you don't read. Try cigarettes or something and stop making shit /r9k/ tier threads.
>durr I want to kill myself, books for this feel?!?
Fuck off.
>Confidence, Anxiety, Depression.
Like imagine typing out this gay shit and wanting to be taken seriously?

>> No.15230649 [View]
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I say that because netflix put "cerebral" as one of its tags and that bothered me seeing that it was anything but. /lit/ should have an italics feature

>> No.15168155 [View]
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>> No.15152765 [View]
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>not having a god tier memory
Things only lose clarity after 11 years and even then, I can recall narratives pretty well. Being a brainlet, I doubt you could understand

>> No.14407060 [View]
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>family found out I'm addicted to cocaine

Books for this feeling.

>> No.14182041 [View]
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First off, kill yourself, you ESL bastard. Secondly, shut up.

>> No.13919330 [View]
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>> No.13740301 [View]
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>> No.13605131 [View]
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>land and deleuze on who

>> No.13601509 [View]
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>> No.13517963 [View]
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What am I, some kind of The Idiot?

>> No.13512655 [View]
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When Sonya and Raskolnikov were reading the bible was beautiful, this line in particular, "The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candlestick, dimly lighting up in the poverty-stricken room the murderer and the harlot who had so strangely been reading together the eternal book." stuck with me.

The scene where Nikolay burst in the room and confessed before Raskolnikov was about to was seriously interesting

>> No.13511960 [View]
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>not only smoking

>> No.13505603 [View]
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>too bad I didn't get that job as The Catcher in the Rye....

>> No.13485979 [View]
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Where can I properly learn Russian online? my mother tongue is Spanish btw

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