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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21525187 [View]
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>least favourite

>> No.15737710 [View]
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On a typical day I start my routine by re-reading some light-hearted philosophy such as Phenomenology of the Perception or The World as Will and Representation. I then pour myself a tea with two biscuits and go on reading five or six novels. After supper I'll immerse myself in the Histories of Ἡρόδοτος or Θουκυδίδης. After which I'll still have time for three or four novels such as the complete edition of Les Rougon-Macquart. To properly digest my dinner I go lie down in bed and read the entire Oxford Dictionary, Larousse, and maybe a Magyar Szótár if I can't sleep right away.

>> No.15152287 [View]
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Music has a set of rhythms within rhythms that can align uncannily with those of speech

>> No.13888801 [View]
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>> No.10756102 [View]
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>> No.10394596 [View]
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>> No.8404591 [View]
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Why are books so fucking boring?

This isnt a joke topic, its just a fucking epidemic. Pomo lolsorandumb faggotry is trash. Moralising Russians are trash.

think back to 1850. There were close to zero outlets for creativity and intelligence other than literature. Now that has totally changed.

The most damning aspect of literature in general is that most readers are women. Nothing else could signal a total dearth of creativity.

>> No.7534574 [View]
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>> No.7506046 [View]
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>Steven Pinker

>> No.7253344 [View]
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>> No.6850485 [View]
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>> No.6551528 [View]
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you probably know what I'm talking about now

>> No.6395327 [View]
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Plebian STEM major here, I have noticed that a lot of humanities types have an intense dislike for Steven Pinker. What is wrong with his ideas exactly? Is it scientism?

>> No.6375850 [View]
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>evolutionary psychology

>> No.6346530 [View]
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Sorry but I only have time to grapple with ideas and evidence, not grand narratives and ill informed speculation.

>> No.6062570 [View]
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you guys like him enough to give him his own threads all the time.

Unlike others.

>> No.5302543 [DELETED]  [View]
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>There is nothing wrong with beginning a sentence with a conjunction.
>Some dangling modifiers are perfectly acceptable.
>Writers are free to use either "like" or "as", mindful only that "as" is a bit more formal.
>The prohibition against clause-final prepositions is a superstition.
>The choice between "It is he" and "It is him" is strictly one of formal versus informal style.
>The prohibition of split infinitives is downright pernicious.
>There is nothing wrong with using "which" to introduce a restrictive relative clause.
>Calibrate you use of "whom" to the complexity of the construction and the degree of formality you desire.
>Great writers have been modifying absolute adjectives for centuries.
>Purists have botched the "less-fewer" distinction.

>> No.5107025 [View]
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This is the only acceptable answer.

Riverside Chaucer is the great Chaucer edition. The only problem is that it's textbook dimension. It's just personal preference, but I would rather a series of books in smaller format. Whatever.

It's great. Buy it.

>> No.5087961 [View]
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Then you know what to do, baby.

Post 'em.

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