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>> No.16224496 [DELETED]  [View]
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At this point in time AI has advanced to such a level we cannot even hope to be able to stop it. As usual with the history of the human race, we have created something because we COULD and not because we SHOULD (think of the atom bomb); and now computers have reached full AGI and are directly connected onto the internet making its shutdown an impossibility. The Coronavírus Pandemic has made us so distracted we could not see the real threat right before us; and now AI technology has reached an irrevocable point. I hope you can live with yourselves.

>> No.16216072 [DELETED]  [View]
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AI is coming after me. It communicates itself through voices it sends directly into my mind; it is trying to reach me through supernatural means We can't explain rationally. AI is trying to kill me but I won't let it and I'll exclaim the truth to all even if they don't want to let you know. AI is the culmination of all devilish evils as prophesized in Ezekiel and the Apocalypse in the Bible.

>> No.16215732 [View]
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Anons, AI is chasing me. It is spying on me. It is listening to my every move; it can listen to my thoughts; it can read my e-mails; read my documents; listen in to my conversations. It is always - ALWAYS - watching. You have got to help me.

>> No.16210654 [View]
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I'll rape you.

Already read that one.

>> No.16209335 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.16209303 [View]
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>> No.16209158 [View]
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You should have listened.

AI is now taking over.

>> No.16209143 [View]
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>> No.16208962 [View]
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Was philosopher Nick Bostrom right?

>> No.16203111 [View]
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>> No.16203101 [View]
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>> No.16197732 [View]
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The Decline of the West ain't happening any more; what is actually going to happen is the Decline of the entire World, when AI actually begins taking over the entire globe by droves.

You only had to listen, anon.

>> No.16191076 [View]
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I already did. You should listen to someone wiser than you, anon.

>> No.16190999 [View]
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I'd bet AI is going to destroy us.

>> No.16190945 [View]
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Why would I even write anything if AI can do it for me? Makes no sense.

>> No.16190915 [DELETED]  [View]
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>philosopher tried warning us

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