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>> No.20649136 [View]
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>Sex outside marriage is considered a serious sin in the Orthodox Church. A pure and virgin state is essential for both males and females before marriage. Today, sexual freedom appears to be accepted by some with little regard to what the Church has to say on this matter. Married persons who indulge in sexual activity outside the blessed marriage also commit a serious sin. If someone is not Orthodox and does not wish to practice the faith then what can we say to these people who willingly or through ignorance continue to live in darkness. But for those who have been Baptised Orthodox who hear the word of God and continue to pursue this sinful path then there is a grave danger of the loss of their soul unless they repent. The precondition for repentance is a heart felt sorrow which pierces every aspect of a person's being. It is a sorrow of great magnitude with the realisation or living contrary to the Will of God.
I messed up bros. I could've avoided it so easily, but I was curious and didn't know it was sinful because everyone was doing it and I had no regard for the Church.

>> No.20541675 [View]
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>666 digits

>> No.20164133 [View]
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>> No.20088034 [View]
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The understanding of information is the cheapest, most trivial mundanity of contemporary life. In a world where the majority of human knowledge is accessible freely on your cell phone screen, from where comes the value of meaning and understanding? You drive up to McDonald's and you're bombarded by easily comprehensible, utile information. Meaning is everywhere you look, and it's exhausting. You literally cannot help but understand things in today's world, and if you lack the comprehension it comes down only to your own unwillingness to find it. Meaning is trite; analytical processes are boring. I want to read and write things which pulsate and seethe with irrational, incomprehensible humanity. For everything else, there's Wikipedia and drive through fast food and doctorate degrees from machines designed to churn out another generation of overgrown children coloring within the lines.

Fuck that. And fuck niggers.

>> No.19968880 [View]
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>like the notes of sugary perfumes that enter through your window in a chill night of a hot day, that your propped up nose tries to detect, but that are too shy to entice your senses

>> No.19951875 [View]
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The decor has been updated. Dramatic dildonics adorn the hall, these myriad phalluses throbbing in sculpture out from the walls, sprouting from the floor, a veritable graveyard of penises, they come cut and uncut, trimmed and untrimmed, from every angle by which the eye might pass; penises light and dark, large and small, some curving upwards, others in helices reaching up in pairs of two, in triplicate or more, towards the now-darkened lamplights, some rakish penises angled askance, others laid low along the ground; veiny, smooth, hard, soft, every possible configuration of cock expressing some dick dreamer's interminable gnosis, interred here for all eternity—or what remains of it—here in marble, in granite there, some chrysoprase detailing on lacquered hardwoods—ebony, hickory, olivewood—streams of gold sprouting mock-molten from rosewood glans… there are chairs here whose peniform backings rise from cushions of bristling black boarshair, felted brown upholstery, bare alder, to droop lazily down upon the seated’s ostensible shoulder, the crook of its laconic wooden foreskin inviting rest beneath its shade, the embrace would be warm and caring, like sitting under a banyan at the height of summer… and, in the distant past, were one to sit upon one of these chaises, he or she might have listened at dusk, the lights glowed down to incandescence, the timbre of campfire, to waters flowing, gently perhaps, from the pièce de résistance, whose flaccid Greek proportions bely a sheer magnitude of scope—its descent from the high-vaulted ceiling, some fifty or sixty feet up, drags nearly its terminant foreskin across the lobby floor—emitting waters which once flowed steady, dribbled fits and starts, or gushed voluminous bursts into an ornate and embossed circular basin of immense proportion held aloft by a colonnade in keeping with the finest of Ionian tradition, and whose facade entablature might have been carved by Michaelangelo himself… and which bears still a mysterious ammonic smell whose origin I cannot imagine nor postulate.

>> No.19795661 [View]
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>oh no, he's placed himself above me on his personal hierarchy of intellectuals!

>> No.19762050 [View]
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>dude... storytelling is like... bro hear me out... it's like uh... a CONVERSATION, you see... and, uh... like... you can only HAVE a CONVERSATION with another person... woah...

>> No.19637984 [View]
File: 179 KB, 917x871, 0F3ED82C-CB9E-4BC3-9FBE-750935B9E1C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus says X
>”well actually he didn’t mean X because Paul said so”
books on this phenomenon?

>> No.19477795 [View]
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>Toni Morrison didn’t sing for The Smiths

>> No.18437325 [View]
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i can't read more than a paragraph of a book before losing interest. is there a way to fix this? this only started happening over the last few months. i made it through 90% of the history of the Peloponnesian war and enjoyed it and then didn't read it for a few months because i was doing an IT course and now i can't read even a paragraph without having to stop because i can't retain any of the information and don't feel like what i am reading helps me.

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