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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13015808 [View]
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Henry James was definitely not a homosexual, or at least not one in practice. There is too much of a moral character to his works for me to believe that he would engage in sodomy. Writers such as Proust, Wilde, etc. on the other hand, were obvious flamers.

I might actually follow this guide. Thanks anon. James is a big hole in my knowledge of Anglo-American literature. I'm getting married to a British lady in less than a week and have spent a lot of time over there so I feel some kindredship with James and Eliot.

What do you think of Leavis' assessment of Austen, Eliot, James, and Conrad as the master English novelists? I can't say I have ever felt deeply drawn into their writing the way other novelists have done for me... mostly because there is so much delayed gratification.

Nonetheless, Dostoevsky, this board's favorite, is like riding training wheels compared to the aforementioned 4. Crime and Punishment is a fun thriller but so shallow compared to Anglo-American classics.

>> No.13013332 [View]
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Sedevacantism is obviously wrong to me.

Trad Catholicism is fine. I prefer the Extraordinary Form. However I don't mind just going to my local parish which happens to be run by an order of monks who do a rather barebones interpretation of the Ordinary Form.

I would like to see more Ordinary Form parishes take a cue from the Oratories in the United Kingdom. They usually have a dignified liturgy, frequent confession times, communion rails, etc. with the vernacular for the readings and Latin for parts such as the Agnus Dei, the Credo, etc.

I am more or less content with the state of things in my personal life and my relationship with the Church. I desire to see the changes I mentioned above, but not much else. I know I would be much happier if I could kneel and receive the Eucharist in a dignified manner without looking like a complete weirdo in the Communion line. It would also be nice if more priests made themselves available for Confession without having to make appointments.

>> No.13013225 [View]
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I recommend becoming a Catholic, dreading the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, praying, and abstaining from whatever are near occasions of sin for impurity for you.

For me, staying away from here and giving up video games helped. Train your mind to ween itself off any desire for instant gratification. Pray whenever you enter into temptation... try to keep holy water and blessed objects in the house and use them with devotion when you undergo temptation. It won't be long before your mind will go somewhere else.

Some Catholics encourage fasting or exercise. Personally I can't be bothered to do that every time the bug bites. So it's easier just to pray. The feeling always passes. It's honestly not that hard once you make it past the 3 week mark.

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