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>> No.13059750 [View]
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I'm just about done with Suttree. It's my favorite McCarthy book by far, but man, it's a chore to get through sometimes. Especially those 60-70 page chapters that I rarely have time to read in one sitting.

I know you said you haven't read too much of it elsewhere in this thread, but how "accessible" is it? I've never read Faulkner, but I remember reading somewhere that he's got a weirdly archaic style. How true is that? After reading McCarthy and O'Connor, Faulkner seems like the next logical step as far as Southern Gothic goes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit intimidated. Also, based Everyman's.


How are you finding Blood Meridian, McCarthy-friend?

Also, the Everyman's Sound and Fury from OP's pic is £11. Book Depository doesn't have it though, so guess I'll wait.

Seconding As You Like it as Billy's best comedy.

I didn't particularly like reading King Lear. That may have been because I read it right after Coriolanus. It's one of the few Shakespeare plays I've seen though, and it was breddy gud.

There aren't that many names to remember, m8. Maybe you just have shit memory?

As far as light reading goes, Agatha Christie is kind of based and you shouldn't feel ashamed reading her.

Dumb question, but... I should probbably read some Kafka before reading Kafka on the Shore, right?

Based Everyman's poster.

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