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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21592590 [View]
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>> No.21521947 [View]
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I really like BM and it was my first McCarthy book, but liked it because I was into cosmic horror and the book read like how I thought Lovcraft should have been.
The Road is far more accessable.
Also look at this list for starters

>> No.21489763 [View]
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Some of these are short.
Also Bartleby the Scrivener is good, as well as Candide and Invisible Cities

>> No.20765319 [View]
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something short and simple like The Stranger or Slaughter House 5

>> No.20443776 [View]
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>Read whatever interests you. Preferably something easy. Get used to reading.

>> No.20296071 [View]
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>I like forming my thoughts into words...? It's hard to explain... It's like I want to share my idea in the way that it feels when it pops into my head as accurately how that idea felt at that moment... It took 30 minutes to get to this answer and I still don't think that's enough of what really goes on but that's the best I got right now.
You can try making podcasts, films, music, painting, etc. If you really want to write the best way to become good at it is writing much and reading more. That's your 'problem' because you have no reference and the best references are the best book ever written.

>As to reading I don't get the same feeling of stress relief. It's more like work than a fun hobby.
That is pretty sad. Reading is my favorite hobby, I wish you could enjoy it too. Try the /lit/ starting pack, they are suppose to be entry level. Then you can read more difficult works

Link to all the /lit/ charts:

>> No.20260873 [View]
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Starter kit would be a good start
Unless everyone has actually read the starters already

>> No.19912260 [View]
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I just finished reading the books in pic related. Order the ones you've read in this chart from your favorite to your least favorite. For me it's...

>1. East of Eden
>2. One Hundred Years of Solitude
>3. Stoner
>4. Grapes of Wrath
>5. The Death of Ivan Ilych
>6. Catch 22
>7. Dubliners
>8. Ficciones
>9. Slaughter-House Five
>10. The Catcher in the Rye
>11. Metamorphosis
>12. The Great Gatsby
>13. The Stranger
>14. The Picture of Dorian Gray
>15. Blood Meridian
>16. Lolita
>17. As I Lay Dying
>18. Siddhartha
>19. Notes from the Underground
>20. The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.19672801 [View]
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this, see picrel

>> No.19534520 [View]
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>> No.18693328 [View]
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Read that and the books on this list to become truly inundated with /lit/
Ignore the retards ITT who don't know what the word "starter" means.

>> No.18474345 [View]
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>> No.18237813 [View]
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>> No.17556790 [View]
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Really disappointed in all the anons who try to bring me down because of envy. Real crabs in the bucket mentality.
On the other hand, thanks for all the positive replies from the non-asshole anons.
Here you go fren.

>> No.16453407 [View]
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>> No.16295676 [View]
File: 118 KB, 483x960, Starter Kit 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could start posting the other starter kits.
Read Catch-22. It's an hilarious, poignant, and engrossing babby's first non-linear narrative.I read the last 300 pages or so in one night because I got so into it.

>> No.15899451 [View]
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>> No.15522549 [View]
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Are any of these worth a read?

>> No.14976155 [View]
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I'm not experienced enough to give out specific recs based on the books you've read this year, but you should obviously check out some more serious literature. How much did you read from the /lit/ starter kit?

>> No.14881567 [View]
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Look up lit starter kits such as pic related. Admittedly, some of the books might be too difficult, Faulkner, Borges, Nabokov (deliberately difficult style), but generally if you look them up and they seem interesting, give them a shot.
Keep in mind that /lit/'s taste in books is somewhat "elitist", i.e. old classics are highly regarded, while stuff like fantasy and science fiction with a couple of exceptions is ignored. If the latter seems more up your alley, try LOTR, Dune, Philip K. Dick's novels, etc.

>> No.14625203 [View]
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Those are pretty good picks. If you enjoyed them, you can go through whatever seems interesting in pic related.
"Starting with the Greeks" is also a popular thing to do because they were the foundation of most of the stuff that came later in art and philosophy. (Just don't spend two years autistically studying them and neglect the rest of history.)
There is no universally correct path to reading, so keep in mind that you'll have to make conclusions on your own. Don't think that the /lit/ hivemind has some great knowledge that you can't measure up to.

>> No.14147923 [View]
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/lit/ essentials guides/charts thread

>> No.13988063 [View]
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And this chart which I found looking for the previous chart is basically /honorshighschoolcore/. Yeah, there's some overlap.

>> No.13880639 [View]
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these are good, you want to build you ability to read and your ability to actually understand and interpret complicated sentences.

The stranger is also good, easy read and short

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