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>> No.16365488 [View]
File: 12 KB, 326x310, AAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All Americans need to be put in camps, gassed, or lined up and shot by firing squads. I don't care they just need to be rid of. All Americans are a detriment to humanity and this planet. Brainless, tasteless, self-important retards who are useful idiots for their oligarchs.

America (as in, the USA) is like a "teenager" country (or at least, they're regressing towards acting like a teenager at an alarming rate):

>They're full of themselves, and arrogant
>They're greedy, and want all they can take
>They think think they can take on the world (and they did)
>They can't see their own flaws (they hand-wave them as American Exceptionalism, which is pretty much the same thing as the "Divine right of kings")
>They're horny as fuck
>They're extremely impressionable
>They can only see issues in black and white (not an innuendo about race)
>They act like dipshits and are proud of it

On the other hand, Europe is an "old" country:

>When it was young (20-30's), it built empires (think Alexander the Great, Trajan, Charlemagne...)
>Then it had a mid-life crisis, and didn't know where to go after that (Middle Ages)
>Then it came out wiser (the Enlightenment, etc...)
>Then it turned into a cranky, racist old man (70's-80's were Fascism, Nazism)
>Right now, it has gone senile and is on life support (aging population, not enough children, etc...), the EU is a retirement home

Why is that? I think it's because of history. In Europe there has never been a clean break with tradition, there's never been a chance to start with a clean slate. Sure, the Roman Empire fell; sure, the French had their Revolution and the Civil Code: but those events didn't create a "new country", they just amended the existing order. It was a gradual change throughout millennia, the old cultures never stopped existing, not even during the Dark Ages. Culture is not fragmented, it's synonymous with tradition.

On the other hand, US history doesn't go back not even a thousand years, and the birth of their nation was from a deliberate, planned rebellious act, a revolution against an existing government. Again, like a teenager deciding to run away from home. Another thing to note is that colonists didn't assimilate with the pre-Columbian cultures. Not trying to say "the USA belongs to natives", just that it was a clean break even with those cultures. I guess they were no Greeks, don't know enough about them, but still, it just further proves my point that the USA were made "from scratch". Same goes for China, as far as I know their break with tradition under Mao was even more explicit/radical, and they're even younger (and autistic) as a country.

Globalization happened at the worst possible time, when the US' Volksgeist/Nationalgeist is still too young for the country to be the world leader. Or maybe it's globalization that hit us all too soon, caught us with our pants down, maybe Uncle Ted was right, human nature in itself wasn't ready for this.

>> No.16273204 [View]
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Reminds me of Rectified Anonymity (AKA "The Pokémon Story").

>He flipped her bleeding, limp body over. His mouth met hers, lashing about inside of her toothed maw. He kissed hard and deep as he carefully fit his shitty dick into her pokevagina. The head slid in easily and she whimpered. With a deft hand he massaged her clitoris. She tried to pull back to cry out but he pushed into her harder. She screamed into his mouth. The vibrations filled him in ecstasy. He violently penetrated her and wave after wave of pleasure engulfed them both. It was beyond the realm of human understanding. Collapsing universes whirled about them, being born and dying in an eternal, idiot firestorm.


>> No.16162331 [View]
File: 12 KB, 326x310, DD07FB2B-3287-4817-98C0-3CDF5B29AF70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have 50 word thesis due in a month
How am I going to make it bros?

>> No.16143645 [View]
File: 12 KB, 326x310, 73029D9D-8054-410F-A350-20A5F3448394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people often cite Moby-Dick as the GAN
>Moby-Dick isn’t even a novel

>> No.16127612 [View]
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>> No.16121933 [View]
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why do I feel the need to read after c00ming to anime teenagers?

>> No.16103446 [View]
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Is this an actual book, or just an excerpt from your schizo diary?

>> No.15968415 [View]
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>You’re pissing yourself off thinking about shit you can’t be sure of
The internet ruined things. I feel like you can't even say "I didn't know" anymore, Google has all the answers, so you have to know.
Every second not spent consooming information is a second that's wasted. Every second not spent keeping up with all the innovation is a second you fall behind. Computer don't just make information more accessible, they allow us to produce it at a much, much faster rate than ever before.
Now the rat race is on a global level, and you have to compete with a Zerg rush of two/three billion Chinese and Indians.
Is this how people felt when they learned that Earth wasn't at the center of the universe, and that the universe went far past the observable planets?

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