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>> No.9516323 [View]
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sometimes i wish women could see how much of the attention they get is because they are women, and not because of their personality or anything internal to them

not because of their skills or accomplishments, or the things they have to say, or even the charming quirks of their mannerisms, but all the attention that is strictly due to men generically being Interested in Women, in the most general possible sense

i wish they could see how it seeps into everything, systemically, how many institutions are undergirded by it, how much of the whole society is founded on it, how they are saturated by it every second of every day. how it runs like a shock through every institution, all the sinews of power and decision-making, how all the pathological fixation on feminist virtue signalling is sustained by sublimated forms of it, how men are trained from birth to see "Women" as a unity that judges their virility rather than as individuals. but also how it comes out spontaneously in the simple things, like how men are more deferential toward them, more considerate, how men are subtly desperate to win their approval and be useful to them, how they get smiled at and laughed at and praised and how they are overall much more well-received by men than men are by one another.

and then i wish they could live one day as a mediocre man, so they could palpably feel that they had suddenly become invisible and that the world had suddenly become a cold uncaring place in a trillion tiny interconnected ways that they can't quite describe or grasp hold of

i want to see all the booktube channels evaporate overnight, as women collectively wake up from their nightmare vacation in maleworld, having seen how much of their entire existence was a complete and utter lie, and they spontaneously reject and repudiate all male attention and affection as a result

i want to see feminism free itself from its present distorted and twisted state as a gigantic shit-testing and courtship ritual that reifies traditional gender roles of feminine passivity and male activity a thousand times more than it undermines them

i want to see one woman wake up from the morasse of cocklust that drowns all of them 24 hours of the day 365 days a year and say "wow, there sure are a lot of fucking penises between me and my goals, all eager to blow cum on my face in exchange for achieving my goals FOR me and then handing them to me on a silver platter and congratulating me for achieving them (or making it easier for me to achieve them, like i'm a child who can't do it on her own). i sure with these penises would fuck off and actually let me be a real person. i don't want free views on my youtube lol. i want views for merit only. fuck off men"

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