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>> No.18333952 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x623, 1577875350195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the ZOG-NOG alliance
nogs are merely the weapon, you must know the wielder

>> No.16663796 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x623, marx-is-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't consider it friendly at all, unless you consider casper the friendly ghost retarded. As markets become more global, monopolies or oligopolies seem like the inevitable conclusion to a 'free' market. Most people would agree that 6 megacorporations isn't exactly the freest option for the consumer, and is kinda antithetical to the free hand concept being a net good for consumers and markets. The invisible hand of the free market let companies make terrible appliances out of polymers that break in 5-10 years so that they could sell more appliances when 60 years ago ones made out of metal would last longer which made companies less money in comparison. It only made sense to continue to make things shittier for the consumer so that companies could accrue more capital to gain more profit. This is partially to blame from people like F.A. Hayek who have been monumentally instrumental in prolonging thing idea of the invisible hand(like Reagan, HW Bush, and other various paleocons), despite Keynesian economics being a more efficient go to for managing government economic policy. Hayek also gave credence to those aforementioned politicians to shill "voodoo" or "trickle down" economics on the basis of the invisible hand, even though anyone with a brain realizes that the ultra-wealthy don't put as much money back into the market as the numbers would indicate. It almost makes no sense today that the invisible hand idea is still being pushed tho, as it is bunk considering that amount of government intervention required in bailouts to sustain the free market and prevent massive losses like 2008 or early during the covid lock downs. To be honest, idiotic accelerationist readings of 'sentient capital' in the context of capitalism makes more sense than the invisible hand.

tl;dr if marxism is the spectre that haunts western society, economics is astrology for men, austrian economics is like those ghost-hunting shows, and accelerationists despite being absolutely unintelligible schizos somehow makes more sense than either

>> No.14454330 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x623, 1576606946798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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