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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23499762 [View]
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Has anyone on here actually written and published a novel/short stories/essay if so what was it like and how did you feel about it?

>> No.23448539 [View]
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What kind do books do you /lit/ folks read?

>> No.23373924 [View]
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Who do you like better Kierkegaard or Nietzsche?

>> No.23208739 [View]
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Can you name a conservative author?

>> No.23115393 [View]
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What’s philosophical book would you recommend I read?

>> No.22891197 [View]
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What book would be the lord of the rings of science fiction?

>> No.22746555 [View]
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Name a book where the main character doesn’t have a girlfriend?

>> No.22618121 [View]
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>65 books written by Stephen King
>19 books written by Stephanie Queen
women btfo

>> No.22593319 [View]
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That only hate I want to give a black girl is a hatefuck.

>> No.22592588 [View]
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What kind of person in your opinion would finds romance novels interesting?

>> No.22555071 [View]
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>> No.22516185 [View]
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δεῖ με κακογράφειν

>> No.22427263 [View]
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>> No.22406333 [View]
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>mfw i live in a sub 30k medieval university coastal town with 3 excellent used book stores where i regularly find copies of Wittgenstein, Deleuze, various Hackett editions and even Land once; a god tier independent book store where all the hardbacks come hand wrapped in acetate and basically stocks everything including many beautiful art monographs; a number of delis, cafes and local butchers and even a halfway decent art supply store; 15 minute walk from anywhere in town to wild coastline and woodland.

>> No.22379767 [View]
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I would

>> No.22373836 [View]
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*types in 12.5 to fill more space*
teachers btfo

>> No.22255682 [View]
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Name your kids things like "Shit" and "Fuck"

>> No.22216562 [View]
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Only time I actually had a backbone and it felt good

>be in summer reader group from school
>the most popular couple is there
>girl extremely hot but consequently arrogant and wears clothes that leave nothing to the imagination
>her bf is creamy faced and both his parents make six figures
>topic of the Iliad comes up
>he cracks a joke and says funny how Achilles can bully and harm girls and make them slaves but turns into a crying sissy when men do it to him
>everyone keks
>sigh and say Achilles is of course emotional, that is his tragic flaw from the first line of the poem but there is a lot more to it
>everyone looks at me and I can sense them suppressing sneers at my uggo face
>continue and say because Achilles lives in a society where women are kept away or shut up in homes, he is free to express his vulnerability and feelings
>why do women have to be shut up for that, asks his gf
>because women use everything they can against men and when women are around men have to act artificial in order to differentiate ourselves from them but also men have to beware of other men backstabbing and backbiting to impress women
>sounds a bit misogynist says one guy uglier than I am and wearing a shirt that says feminism is for everyone
>end up going on rant (not yelling but cool and collected) that men can’t have our own spaces and women invade everything and that isn’t the fault of women but because men have become weak and useless and this actually makes women miserable
>everyone starts getting heated
>the gf says you mean I wouldn’t be miserable as a sex slave?
>look at her but feel myself shaking like a pussy
>depends , and I’ll tell you why, because a woman’s identity and sense of happiness is tied to her man being strong. No matter how empowered a woman is, if her man is too much of a wimp to be more powerful than she is, she knows deep down is he is a weak man, and this makes her unhappy. If a man is dominating her then she at least knows he might be able to push other men around around and take charge and that leadership makes her feel like she is part of something worthwhile
>one lady screams and they tell me to get out
>get a text telling me I am not welcome anymore in the group
>the guy’s gf steps out and says I am extremely ignorant person and I don’t know what I am talking about and later she is going to explain somehow to me and gets my number
>later she texts me when it is past nine at night and demands to come over and give me a lecture
>let her come in and she starts screaming at me calling me a piece of shit
>tell her to shut and calm down
>she starts shoving me saying if men can dominate women then how come she can push me around
>she throws a cup of water in my face
>spits in my face
>keeps getting hysterical
>have to deal with it for nearly an hour before she leaves

And not a single regret

>> No.22157720 [View]
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>buy traditional japanese tea pot
>put lipton's tea bags in the tea thing
>sometimes just put instant coffee in the tea kettle and pour myself cups of coffee
>nobody knows i'm not actually fancy

>> No.22121058 [View]
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>mgw mein deutsch ist gerade gut genug um das deutsch zu lesen aber nicht schreiben insbesondere konjugieren und so wenn ich schreibe es dann aller deutscher denken mich retarded aber dennoch ich kann es noch lesen und freude haben daran
dies ist was ich nennen "retarded gelehrsamkeit" und es ist meine geheimwaffe

>> No.22092353 [View]
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>> No.21995481 [View]
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I have a very good idea for a novel. Wanna hear it?

>> No.21979557 [View]
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Cancer riddled AIDS patients writing novellas about Jews in WW2. Smegma scented sex addicted 4channers wanking compulsively. Amateur detectives starting fights with gay fashion icons. Troubled teens enjoying sushi once a week. A guy who was once in South Africa shitting 4 times in one day. Black women gobbling old man cock and adding them on Facebook the next day. Balding businessman late for a flight but the flight got delayed so he was ok. What think?

>> No.21732755 [View]
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What book are you currently reading and what is it about?

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