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>> No.11991419 [View]
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>There is a difference in application of that violence and in immediate desire. But I feel both are violence being used for survival of their own entities.

of course. but there is more to life than the survival of the fittest. Nietzsche's rhetoric is powerful, even intoxicating. Sloterdijk is not wrong to call him arguably the greatest ethical teacher of mankind since Plato. Nietzsche is a blazing star for all time and in no small way is responsible for the production of Heidegger too, who was absolutely in his shadow ('Nietzsche has broken me') and Return To Heidegger is arguably a major theme of Cosmotech. Heidegger not only gives you Heidegger, he also opens the doors to the East as well. and that is where Fuck Yeah Space Taoism comes into play as well. to be perfectly honest, i'm still kind of confused on whether or not i have Heidegger ahead of or behind Whitehead, honestly. they are probably not reducible to each other. but

a) you already knew i was confused, and i'm fine with this; and
b) Cosmotech is, happily, not entirely my own thing. the brilliant anon who posted those three threads i re-posted earlier will have contributions of his own to say about these things, as will the various other anons who have been contributing, reading, bumping, et al. Cosmotech is very much in its nascent form atm, as a breakaway from acceleration and the Wild Ride.

and hence the need to continue this thread as ongoing laboratory-thought experiment also, warrants mentioning. there are a high holy shitload of things to talk about and suss out. i haven't even gotten into the stuff i was scribbling in my notebook yesterday, and there will be more scribbling today as well. my own feel is, in brief, that Time > politics. Time is the real magic, Time is the thing, and getting right with Time is pretty much all i really want to advance. i think all of the political ideologies going on today are essentially viral-consumptive in nature, and no tribalism, however impassioned, can substitute for either

a) a genuine Civilization, or
b) a worthy gentleman, sage, or philosopher-king.

and that is the ultimate goal of Cosmotech. a) is unlikely, b) maybe has some legs on it. i want to withdraw from the society of the spectacle, but there is no full and complete withdrawal from Capital itself. to return to an earlier post:

taking the side of The Worst Thing In The World is psychotherapeutic praxis. if you are the analyst you don't *judge* or *shame* the analysand. that guy is *suffering* because something in him has become sphinxlike and has taken over his mind. whether you call this animus-possession or the Big Other, being an NPC or a rage zombie, it's all the same thing. Lacan and Heidegger had their handle on modernity vastly more than postmodernity has, which has basically converted analysis from Therapy to Inquisition. and it culminates in scapegoating and rage politics. Unironic Communism fuels Unironic Fascism and vice-versa.

>> No.9693105 [View]
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No worries. You're coming in at the tail end of a long and pretty wild thread, which is now dealing with some Out There stuff. If it weren't for some of the other anons ITT (>>9691691, >>9691878, >>9692089, many others) I'd have thought I was just going crazy. Or if I am it appears to be a shareable crazy. And one frequently articulated even better than I can. Which is really nice.
>shout-outs to other me/fellow draconologist here once again. bro.

See this, for example.
This is amazing. Should be required reading for Land threads. But ofc nobody can start here. So much of this begins with Nietzsche and Freud. Then Bataille and Nietzsche take objet a and put it in space, which is where things really get wacky.
>nietzsche: chaos/dancing star
The repressed Oedipal unconscious of modernity goes schizophrenic with Deleuze and then ??? with Land. That's the brief catch-up. So no worries senpai.

>There is always someone who is in front of you and someone in the back, with a leader at the head.
>Myth as *performance art* reveals aspects of it that are occluded when left submerged in the unconscious. And helps us face our fear.
This. This.

>But the meaning of the answer is found in the posing of the question.
Culture psychoanalyzes itself. That's why it doesn't get hysterical. It understands how to speak to itself in non-sphinxlike ways. Defuses and shivers off mimetic tension.

>The ball is literally the Meme.
Yes. It's a free-floating petit objet a that doesn't belong to any one individual, but to the dance, to the culture...

>Ride the Dragon. Symbolically. And literally. It's good advice. And maybe the Tiger too.
Dragons, Tigers, and Phoenixes. It would take a true aristocrat to know how to do this. Eastern dragons also have a phoenix as their counterpart. Western dragons, not so much. There the cheese stands alone...

>control the memes and you control the dragon
>easier said than done
No diggity.

Fear and human process. Rules, regulations, dance, and ritual. Mimetic coherence. mimetic discordance. A scapegoat seems a small price to pay when you start thinking about the outer dark. Let Us Cling Together, as the game title says.

>The very indeterminacy of what the sign is supposed to represent is itself what it is representing.
That's it. Signs *bind* and localize meaning. We still get hypnotized as adults. We have to. Otherwise...well. Like I have to tell you any of this.


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