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>> No.18683476 [View]
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"Astrologically interpreted, the designation of Christ as one of the fishes identifies him with the first fish, the vertical one. Christ is followed by the Antichrist, at the end of time. The beginning of the enantiodromia would fall, logically, midway between the two fishes. We have seen that this is so. The time of the Renaissance begins in the immediate vicinity of the second fish, and with it comes that spirit which culminates in the modern age."
- Aion, Carl Jung

It follows, then, that in Jung's archetypal-astrological-cosmology, the "religion" [more aptly, spirituality, as it will be a combination of many ideologies and worldviews] of the modern age will be that of the Antichrist, whose core tenets consist of the following:
"Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22) - The Antichrist spirituality denies that Jesus is the Messiah (or that the Messiah is a real thing), and denies the truth of the Holy Trinity.

"[...] and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world." (1 John 4:3) - The Antichrist spirituality will not confess that Jesus is Lord, that He died for the sins of mankind, etc.

"For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 1:7) - One type of Antichrist spirituality are those that deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh (either that He was not a real person, or that He only inhabited a spiritual body (or did not resurrect physically)) - you can see an early example of this in the Gnostics.

TL;DR the spirituality of the age of Aquarius will be characterized by Antichrist beliefs, as per Jung.

>> No.18559254 [View]
File: 676 KB, 1471x1477, Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still spouting the dark ages meme
I see that you are still in your "new atheist" phase. To whom to you attribute the vast successes and prosperity in Christian Europe prior to your imaginary "dark ages"? If you'd like an actual scholarly opinion on your revisionist history, here are the words of historian and scholar Ralph Raco:
"The stereotype of the Middle Ages as 'the Dark Ages' fostered by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenment philosophes has, of course, long since been abandoned by scholars."

>until europeans rediscovered their old pagan ways during renaissance
Bringing back pagan motifs in the decadent art of the Renaissance =/= rediscovering "pagan ways". There was no tree worship, human sacrifice, polytheism, or any other characteristically "pagan" things which returned during the renaissance.

> jewish sects like christianity were always death cults and nihilistic
Do you know what Nihilism actually means, or are you repeating buzzwords you have heard online? Christianity is the opposite of nihilistic.

>caring only about afterlife and letting injustice run amok
If your idea of "letting injustice run amok" is legislating against degeneracy, pederasty, and paganism, then your definition of injustice is incoherent and useless. On the contrary, when Christian morals were removed from society, we then began to see injustice run amok, like sodomite pride parades, rising murder rates, drug use, and overall degeneracy.

>> No.18164260 [View]
File: 676 KB, 1471x1477, Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time, I realized that I was weak, selfish, and controlled by my passions. When I read Jesus say things like "Sell what you have and give to the poor, and then follow me", "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me", and "I was hungry and you did not feed me", I understood that I was just another cog in a materialist machine, afraid of pain and numbing myself with dopaminergic vices like fornication and marijuana.

It's a strange feeling, being confronted with what you know is the objective Truth of how to live your life, spoken by the most perfect man to ever live, and realizing you are doing the exact opposite of everything you should.

"In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

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