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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5386709 [View]
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I'm leaving lit and 4chan in general.

Sorry if I've shitposted posted too much, and I'm sorry to you and to the authors of literature and to God for arrogantly spouting idle opinions that I held solely because I thought they were clever. Not just under this trip but under any other name I've posted under (and no, I was not and have never been Feminister, if you are curious. I was another trip a few years ago and believe I namefagged for a few days a while ago).
4chan and the anonymous nature of the internet in general present too many opportunities for weak men like myself to fall into the pride and vanity of broadcasting thoughtless opinions and engaging in useless arguments for the sake of them. It's harmful to myself and to others, because in doing this kind of thing I implicitly encourage others to do so. My fear is that I mislead others by spouting an opinion as though it were seriously considered and well researched when I came up with it on a whim, and thereby planted false ideas in another's mind.

I haven't learned much from this board except how to make myself appear more learned than I am at times and above all how to be idle. If I could make one criticism of the board while I am humbling myself, it would be that there is a nasty attitude prevailing here that encourages not the love of reading, learning, and discussion, but the vanity of appearing "well read" with all the talk about patricians/plebs. This board can be useful when you have in mind a topic that you want to discuss but lingering here idly is harmful.

I'm sure most of you don't give a shit about this post and others don't even recognize me or wonder why I'm making such an issue of this. Well, console yourselves that I'll be gone after this and accept my apology: this post is more for myself than for others, so please suffer my writing it for my own sake. Let the thread die replyless and that will be fine, I just want it on record that I'm leaving so that I'll be better able to prevent myself from coming back by being reminded of this statement.

I won't be replying to this thread. This is my last post. If any of you would like to talk to me you can email me at xmcfiggly@gmail.com. Not because I expect anyone wants to talk to me, I have no reason to expect that; it's because I remember one guy on here who called himself the French version of myself (about my Catholicism I think, which I am sincere about by the way, I haven't been intentionally misleading you as to my beliefs) and just on the off chance that there is some anon out there that has been taking an interest in my posts I would feel rude just to leave abruptly without giving him the chance to communicate with me.

That said, goodbye m8s.

- a 4chan tripfag

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