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>> No.20050069 [View]
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whats more interesting, a full scale war between two sprawling empires, one militant and assimilative and one authoritarian and puritan, or a free for all threeway war between two puritan factions and a third faction that arises from refugees and survivors of the other two factions? will the goals get muddied? will it be harder to focus on the real antagonists if i have a third faction just kinda dicking around? how do i make it work?
thats kinda the problem, im not entirely sure, and thats why i ask if it muddies the main antagonists. basically the third group all have visions and dreams and their shamans gather, and a consortium of various races agrees to destroy humanity for the good of the universe. originally i was going to have the antagonists gather these different races together but the antagonists are supposed to be warlike savages who stole their technology and ships from a more advanced race and decorate their armored in skins and scalps, so it makes a little questionable that any other race would side with these guys besides savages like them. but theyre a better alternative to the humans in this universe who have basically fucked the galaxy on an apocalyptic scale, would that be reason enough you think?
both, i try to focus on the plot drafts first but if i have good ideas, good lines or dialogues in my head i try to write them as soon as they come because its harder to remember it later
its going to be very large in scale and take point of view from multiple protagonists but im trying to avoid a detached top down view like its just dnd or warhammer lore, i want the core cast to be relatable even if very weird and broad
sorry to repost i have been doing nothing but writing for 2 weeks i am obsessed lately
only you dont

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