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>> No.19004228 [View]
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Dude thank you for posting this.

I knew there was a conspiracy against philosophy when I was 22 and attended my first philosophy course at college. I had spent years asking people to explain to me how God is real, just ANY argument or proof at all. I went to Christians, a pastor, and even a theology professor at a previous college. Nobody had an answer and were actually infuriated that was I even asking.

Finally i accidently stumbled into a "Philosophy of Religion" course at a new college I was going to, and within 20 minutes of class the professor had explained to an atheist in class how God must be real using a type of Neo-Kantian explanation aligned with Rudolf Otto and Aristotle. I was absolutely blown away, I finally had a suitable explanation for God, and I was able to believe in God after that.

Since then I have taken of philosophy and noticed some very bizarre patterns. Firstly, there is an absolute propaganda campaign against philosophy, labeling it as "useless naval gazing" for bored brats. Anytime I try to bring up philosophy or a philosopher to any relevant conversation, there is an immediate hostile reaction. People despise "books" and what they regard as "gibberish word salads", they think only straight-forward science and empiricism can prove or argue for anything. Most people don't even understand what philosophy is, thinking it's self-help, social commentary, or post modernist gibberish about capitalism ect.

Secondly, Philosophy is censored because if it were taught in schools, everyone would believe in God. This would destroy neo-liberalism and the secular worldview NEEDED for the currently totalitarian hellscape we live in. Any sort of metaphysical thought would absolutely demolish the social order required for neo-liberal society and trade.

Third, there's something very strange about getting access to certain philosophy books. They're either untranslated, extremely expensive, or sometimes the translations seem edited.

The conspiracy against philosophy is one of the most sinister and disturbing things I've encountered

>> No.18985490 [View]
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I guess what I mean to say is that the problems we're having in society are more about people themselves and less about the technology.

I don't see how we wouldn't have basically the same issues without the technology. I feel like what people are blaming on "technocracy" is more people's hearts darkening or something

>> No.18901822 [View]
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Dahyun is the official /lit/ waifu

>> No.18895121 [View]
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The knee-jerk hatred of K-pop is plebian

Kpop is fully transparent of what low-brow music and the arts have always been. American music was vile enough to create an illusion of authenticity and free-will with it's shitty micromanaged pop stars. Americans, in their infantile minds, needed the fantasy that "musicians" were writing their own music and expressing themselves (this mass-fraud descends all the way down to boomer rock and sometimes even underground music).

Kpop fully admits what it is. The "idols" are given scripts, clothing, dance routines, their entire lives are shown on display. There is no fraud. it is the most honest pop phenomenon in hundreds of years. This is a liberation from narcisstic delusions of individualism, where a "system" of rigidly abusive managers can actually create something interesting and functional, something with strict form (think of JYP).

Westerners just can't let go of delusional and decadent Romantic sentiments around the arts

>> No.18868993 [View]
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south korea would probably be kierkegaard's worst nightmare

>> No.18797346 [View]
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I don't even know what you're responding to exactly

>gr33ks were highly influential on all of philosophy
I'm not saying the Greeks, or any school of philosophy is *bad*, that doesn't even make sense. History from our point of view can only be neutral. I think it's bad to use Plato as a starting point for philosophy, as I would choose Heraclitus if I had to pick a Greek, but that's beside the point.

I don't even believe modernity is real. That's a big marketing campaign by uni pomos and their faux-detractors. I'm simply stating that there is NO class of people in the west now who are self-aware of their own pre-suppositions, they are simply indifferent grindsetting Cartesian-Atheists and have never heard a contrarian view on this in their lives. Most of the society is actually HOSTILE to philosophy at all because they simply have no idea what it is. They think it's weird abstractions about "is a chair real?" or self-help shit like what Jordan Peterstein is serving up.

Of course, I understand why this is happening in the historical process and why it was destined to happen. My question was "Why do people within the academic system lie about philosophy?" These are the ONLY class of people interacting with philosophic text and most of them are lying careerist relativists who are at this point blatantly making up things about the texts and spreading them to the mass who are already indifferent and turned off to philosophy.

>hasn't that always been the case?
debatable about to what degrees this has been the case, but I would say today it is more daunting than ever that a mass population are born deathly ill with nihilistic pre-suppositions that are entirely NEGATIVE to all positive pre-suppositions. I can't identify another time in history (that we know of) where this happened, even the "atheist" movements of the ancient world weren't really "atheist" movements in this sense.

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