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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16180324 [View]
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The thing is that right now at least half of all the threads are just bait. There are lots of threads that aren't utter shit and that's because they are about philosophers or writers that don't attract mindless drones to them, that Hume is/ought thread could be a low tier example.

Religion or Marx threads wouldn't be bad if they didn't attract both mindless supporters and detractors that don't even read. In the first ones there's the edgy atheists(>>16177338) that still believe that the Epicurean Paradox is still a valid criticism and the trad larpers (just that, larpers) that cannot even answer it and just derail the threads with low effort posts. Something similar happens with Marx, he attracts the chapo raiders that have read at most the first volume of Das Kapital or have never abandoned the dialectical materialism framework (some fag even did say that dialectics were inherently materialistic) who when combined with some poltards that don't even want to read the author of the thread they are in result in the same kind of bait posting.

It's not that the threads are utter shit per se, is that they are fucking bait threads that try to camouflage themselves by using some author or book that will not be talked about, if the threads remained on-topic then they wouldn't be THAT bad.

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