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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8330636 [View]
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>pirandello above brecht

>> No.8273702 [View]
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>> No.8269550 [View]
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>reading Moby Dick for plot

>> No.8195831 [View]
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>> No.8194936 [View]
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>get wrong

>> No.8108975 [View]
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>being this new

>> No.8058422 [View]
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> Birth of Tragedy

>> No.7101220 [View]
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Culture is the same for everyone. It doesn't mean different things to different people, there is an actual definition for this word. A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

>> No.3117149 [View]
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So I'm taking an introduction to philosophy course and I found a bunch of philosophy material. In what order should I utilize the materials?
I have :
Cambridge Companions
Very Short Introductions
some first hand works of the thinkers we're looking at.

So far We've looked at St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Anselm, Descartes, Hume, and now we're looking at Kierkegaard.

I feel it'd be a waste of such an easy course not to really understand the thinkers. So what order should I read them in to really understand the stuff?
I've read Meditations on First Philosophy, what else is there?
I've read An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, should I go back and read A Treatise of Human Nature? What other stuff should I read?
I'm reading Fear and Trembling, should I have read the Cambridge companion before I started? What other works of Kierkegaard should I read when I'm done?

TL;DR how do I read philosophy

>> No.2497895 [View]
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It's likely different in Canada. But I'm the OP, and I didn't post that horseshit. That's a troll. I'm a history major, 91% average. History writing is different to the other kind.


I loved it. It was cool, I liked the supernatural stuff, and the idea of the mystery. I was half hoping that Dorian wouldn't die from stabbing the painting.

>> No.1466107 [View]
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Why do we make these tier lists? Why do you pseudo-intellectual 18-23 year olds think any one discipline is quantifiably "better" than any other? Why must you try to make other students of different disciplines than your own feel lesser than you because of their personal interests?

These tier lists are as convoluted and trivial as one arguing over tastes in music.

Get over yourself OP, you are an immature college student with the unfounded belief that he is any better than any single one of his peers.

I'm majoring in Writing and Linguistics with a minor in Philosophy. I can make an equal amount of positive contributions to this earth as any engineer.

tl;dr Get over yourselves guys, it doesn't matter what you're majoring in.

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