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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22461082 [View]
File: 524 KB, 750x531, groovy g and friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone, quick! Repost the classics so this anon can remember!

>the door opens and an impenetrable mass of marajuana smoke spills from the room into the hall
>stumbling through the smoke, two shabby shapes reeking of bongwater emerge
>pic related is held aloft by one of the men as several unshaven hippy french girls, nude save for flimsy veils tied low about their waists and showing mounds of unwashed pubic hair ripe with pthirus pubis, crowd with narcotic idiocy about their ankles and take lazy drags from the remaining roaches
>"we've done it, groovy G!" wheezes the man with the more putrid fingernails as the weed haze languidly disperses
>"*cough cough* we've *hits bong again* saved western philosophy!"
>a gimp-suit wearing, aids-riddled Foucault appears and congratulates the two intrepid french thinkers
>somewhere, Lacan is giving his dick, shriveled by age and impotence, a final and thorough tugging before a crowd of baguette wielding students and communist card carrying intelligentsia who all give an enthusiastic yet appropriately sardonic applause that stretches into a hollow perpetuity, erupting into the final simulacrum of sound the World would ever know before its descent into cosmic schizophrenia

>> No.21427677 [View]
File: 524 KB, 750x531, 1594144116548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleuze and Nietzsche

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