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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4013973 [View]
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What stories crossed-over with a book would you like to read, /lit/?
At the top of my head:
Memento meets the Stranger
Welcome to the NHK meets Into the Wild /Alice in Wonderland/The Metamorphosis
Bourne Trilogy meets 1984
Gravity's Rainbow meets Baccano?
Inferno meets Dostoevsky plus the Walking Dead (or any robisonade for that matter)

>> No.3884793 [View]
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Request: http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Hairstyles-for-Men-ebook/dp/B00DH950ZG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372261984&

can someone get it and (if possible) convert to pdf i dont have a kindle...

>> No.3617989 [View]
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Currently writing an erotic fantasy novel in a very /d/ based world and I wish to avoid it being lame. While I realize just about any kind of smut will sell-because smut-I'd like to not have some steaming pile of cliche` sitting before me.

As I've never written porn before, I'd like some pointers as to where one might go to get good information on this topic (as I'd like to keep this thread as SFW as possible), anyone have any experiences writing/reading that could help me on my journey, and what is the ideal way to add some humour into my erotic novel?

Most importantly, how does /lit/ feel about half-orc slave girls with foot long dongs?

>> No.3300433 [View]
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“So is it coalition time?”
He laughs. It’s starting to get annoying.
And what does he expect? I’ll shuffle round like the rest of them? Maybe if he wrote me out a better role, let me be a player in his plays. I’ve been here too long not to get a lead.
He gets up and does another disorienting walk, this time very interested in the picture frames. Should he polish this one of the demigod or that one of the tyrant?
“I like that tie, Slava.”
Now he really seems quite pleased with himself. A fiendish smile spreads. A sparkling office, filled with odd quirks and showings of his learned nature, and now the perfect outfit and girl to match!
A fantastic library, I have to admit. Everything from the classics to the typical political blood offerings and feigned interests. He even had a book on microbiology. I tried to read it once, but I couldn’t help imagining him as a researcher. God! He’d turn experiments on pool water into a hydrogen collider or nuclear weapon. Then he’d take all the grant money while no one was looking.
I hated that office though. The furniture was too simple and everything too damn clean. I’d seen his papers in chaos before, yet here everything was immaculate. These buildings had aged like hell, and I doubt anybody realized it. The wooden floors must look classy to them. To me it was like a horrible attempt at a modern version of what baroque furniture once represented.
“You happy living the antichrist life?”
“What? With my old job back?”
“Yeah. They missed you Slava. Needed a little more Satan in their lives.”
“You’re a funny girl. Don’t get too funny of course.” He says it like he means it. Like he thinks tomorrow I’ll throw a surprise party for the prime minister with strippers and dancing carrots or something.
“Irreverence doesn’t always mean disrespect.”
“I’m not in the mood today.” And he means it.

>> No.3274520 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.3144640 [DELETED]  [View]
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I see you
Shuffling, striding
With a broken wing
Slung across your chest
And suddenly I notice
your bird thinness
And your sharp beak
And that brow almost seems feral
But delicate and weak

Like Horatio Nelson if he still had an arm
Leaning against some wall
Without a serious misgiving in the world
To ponder
Do you ever think of anything
Anything, I wonder
But who’s playing soccer next week?

Prettier than any girl I’ve ever seen
Swoop in like a magpie and steal hearts
Steal pride
Steal sanity
Then go back to a mound of treasures
And satisfy your ego

Little bird
Crow until you can’t any longer
Let us see how clever you are
Your feathers won’t be glossy forever
Ruffle them up a little

>> No.3064714 [View]
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I read DFW's biography Every Ghost and he was spot on about the narcotizing effect of TV and now the internet.

He'd spend days watching tv and said he was so glad he wasn't born later to become internet addicted.

Turn the TV and internet off and face life with full frontal nudity.

>> No.2838810 [View]
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This thread is so ridiculous I have to correct it. Jews aren't self hating, they're just generally intelligent and have a good sense of humour.

eg: when Kafka says he'd like to stuff all jews in a drawer, its like someone saying 'people are fucking stupid and must all die.' He doesn't mean it, and is exaggerating.

>> No.2817930 [View]
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I said it must beeee cause a nigga got dough
Extraordinary swag and a mouth full of gold
Hoes at my shows they be stripping off they clothes
And them college girls write a nigga name on they toes
Niggas talk shit 'til they get lockjaw
Chrome to ya dome 'til ya get glockjaw
Party like a cowboy or a rockstar
Everybody play the tough guy 'til shit pop off

>> No.2794418 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi /lit/, This is my first time in this board and I'm here to ask for help.

I'm looking for a certain children's novel where one kid inherits a huge mansion with a ghost of a girl in it who becomes his best friend. The kid's caretakers later hire poltergeists to kill the kid so they can have the mansion for themselves.

Is anyone familiar of the book?

>> No.2724725 [View]
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so i was like walking down the hallwalkway walking down the hall and like saw this fucking dude and he had like a fucking shit on his shit and there was like blood walking down the hall and i saw like this fucking unicorn giving birth to a unicorn giving birth to that one unicorn that was giving birth out the third unicorns ass and like i fucking waited for like an hour and i had like ten boners and then i got bored and shit

>> No.2713598 [View]
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>implying kant

why is this always a starting point?...find something else to react against...this has all been said before,etc.

If you must univeralize something...then universalize the breaking of rules...the true masculine male does not give a fuck, while at the same time handing out the largest amounts of fucks (given per capita). he is at the same time the absolutely loyal and the scum of the earth.
take me satan, the greatest tripfag in the universe and supreme example of mac pimpernel... i slay whores blindfolded while exemplifying the most extreme and paradoxical dimensions possible in a human. you would think i have multiple personality disorder...and you would be right.

>> No.2666568 [View]
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>thread wont bump


.../lit/ really needs some mods who arent on their period all time

>> No.2655639 [View]
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this is thred for boks
actual fucking bok like tom cruise and lord of the circle.
what do you even post here
swim ladder ladder swing batter batter sing
dingle strawberries dead entrails star berries and blood. lots of goat.
retarded nigger bang bang and what about

>> No.2639840 [View]
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what shut the fuck man dude nigger pussy

>> No.2552955 [View]
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Started writing for the first real time yesterday.
One of the characters needs to be extremely attractive.
When I start describing them I kind of just go deerrrppp.
And then I'm like uh I don't want this sounding erotic or anything. And then I just skipped that and started writing the rest of the narrative.
So yeah. Any good examples of descriptions of attractive people?

>> No.2531338 [View]
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What the fuck is going on in this book?
I cant tell whats going on but I was stoned,got up to about %20 through it on my kindel and I havent got a clue what I have even read.
Also now while reading it stoned I still dont know whats really oging on

ANy way I am on chapter 2 joselito is it worth me rereading from the start or should I just carry on

>> No.2415046 [View]
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anyone have any alternatives to library.nu that are just as good?

>> No.2196718 [View]
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Classics that are a pleasure or fun to read

Post them

>> No.2177094 [View]
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For all you writers out there, do you use word processors to write or do you put it in a notebook somewhere?

>> No.1928089 [View]
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I want to be a decent writer, but the fact that the sort of work I enjoy is almost never successful anymore can be discouraging.

How do I get over this and just fucking pour my heart into something regardless of how I feel about how other people will perceive it or the possibility that nobody who matters will even give a fuck?

Tips from other writers would be most appreciated.

>> No.1871547 [View]
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When I said fiction I am not referring to fiction versus nonfiction.

The mere fact that you would reduce yourself to lyrics is pretty self explanatory; pretty weak, bro.

Being weak is not a negative characteristic of men, it's pretty innate. I'm just saying that people that don't notice such things are even weaker and bound to idiocy.

>> No.1806749 [View]
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Hey /lit/, is anyone here familiar with Cynic Philosophy? Diogenes of Sinope is the prime example concerning that branch of philosophy. I'm wondering if living like this today would be a possibility.


That link is a 3 minute video on what I'm talking about.

>> No.1722399 [View]
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At Gas Station a troglodyte sees the Mayor in a nice suit, but says nothing to the mayor. “I’m not gonna let the mayor know that I know. Just cause he’s on a TV doesn’t mean I know him...” The mayor opens the door to a cooler and selects a cola. Troglodytes watch through the glass of the door, and avert their gaze quickly. No need for eye contact if you’re not going to talk to the Mayor. Troglodyes let out pheremones to other troglodyes that mayor has low sexual stamina, fuck.
Mayor walks over to the counter, and Action 5 News Team busts through the front door dressed as a terrorist. Cameras and boom mics demand that everyone start screaming and everyone does. A mute bum is unable to scream, so Action 5 is quick to assist him. “I’m here with a Local Mute Hobo at Gas Station, the sight of the latest terrorist attack by Action 5 News in what the Mayor is calling, ‘the biggest breech of journalistic ethics since Watergate.’” For effect a bomb goes off and hundreds are killed falling out of skyscrapers. Troglodyes quick to scamper through back doors, breaking windows and alarms.

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