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>> No.15600687 [View]
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What are some books that deal with what it’s like to be a cop in America and the history of policing and the state? Is Foucault good for this?

How do the police figure in Moldbug’s Patchwork? Is the video right about how it’d look?


>> No.15581772 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can someone help a poorfag out and upload this to Lingen? Also, what are some books similar to patchwork?

>> No.15288137 [View]
File: 61 KB, 314x500, Patchwork Mencius Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15083101 [View]
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I think you misunderstood the concept of patchwork. Maybe you should read about it.

>> No.14363810 [View]
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>> No.13272653 [View]
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>> No.12658400 [View]
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>Can someone redpill me on NRx?
brain-dead leftism a shit

>Patchwork and neo-cameralism both sound pretty shit.
have you read Moldbug?

>Patchwork’s philosophy of security is simple and draconian. It is built around the following axioms, which strike me as too self-evident to debate.

>First, security is a monotonic desideratum. There is no such thing as “too secure.” An encryption algorithm cannot be too strong, a fence cannot be too high, a bullet cannot be too lethal.

>Second, security and liberty do not conflict. Security always wins. As Robert Peel put it, the absence of crime and disorder is the test of public safety, and in anything like the modern state the risk of private infringement on private liberties far exceeds the risk of public infringement. No cop ever stole my bicycle. And this will be far more true in the Patchwork, in which realms actually compete for business on the basis of customer service.

>Third, security and complexity are opposites. A secure authority structure is as simple as possible, so that it is as difficult as possible to pervert it to unanticipated ends.


even if you don't come out wholly convinced it's still time well wasted.

>> No.12266762 [View]
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>> No.11714446 [View]
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both, i think.

land is skeptical to the point of total misanthropy about pretty much every form of collectivism to the left of lee kuan yew. left collectivism for him is indistinguishable for him from protestant atomization, and he doesn't trust protestants with long term economic planning. the kind of collective planning he likes is the icy rationalism of corporate boardrooms, and preferably when they're discussing computer technology and finance.

and it's not sometimes like that's an entirely crazy proposition. to say that the leader of a nation, or nation-state, should basically just be the chief economic planner isn't insane. i'm certain that this is why he fell in love with moldbug. say what you will about the divine right of kings, the key ingredient was that there was a *person* at the top and that that person was accountable. once political values become abstract, dreamy, romantic, and evangelical the hounds of chaos are loosed. land doesn't have the same feeling for restoration that moldbug does, but the basic principle is the same. political decisions have to be rational or they are nothing, and rational decisions are economic ones. and patchwork brings everything down to the microscale, which - in theory - means less virtue signal static and more efficiency.

in theory.

as for us...well, why not make yourself smarter? this is basically landian virtue ethics. be what the market needs. be better at it. because if a lot of your woes are market woes, then perhaps you don't have actually the existential questions you think you have. if the universe is basically indifferent to everything except market forces, harmonizing yourself with that which the market calls for - good old-fashioned brain-power - does this not make sense?

Become Smarter is hardly a bad idea. true, he's averse to the paradox of IQ shredders also, but you can read up on that yourself.


there are, of course, holes in this argument. feeding your capacity for empathy into a Cyberdyne Systems paper-shredder will fuck you up. and even in business you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. but yeah, basically, he's pretty skeptical in general about the warm and fuzzies.

that's my perspective, anyways.

>> No.11244105 [View]
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>how pivotal is Nick Land within this movement, in comparison to Moldbug?

he's a big deal and almost the only legit interesting philosopher there is. moldbug is a whole other thing but their interests line up over patchwork. they're both pretty central to whatever intellectual map you want to draw. NRx was the place where they lined up but much of this was sort of pre-2016 also. since then i think the Dark Winds have died down a little bit

the Dark Enlightenment is like a Darker Version of the Intellectual Dark Web
>such Dark
>many wow

moldbug's book on Patchwork is good too. you'll be able to see why they had their bromance.

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