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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13664061 [View]
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As opposed to....?

>> No.11802592 [View]
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Obviously not what OP is referring to

>> No.11660214 [View]
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>> No.11360713 [View]
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Not that one - Steinbeck's other books are much better
>Great Gatsby
people who had to read this in high school will say it sucks but it's good
>Old Man & the Sea
Probably Hemingway's masterpiece desu
Pynchon's epics are way better though
>To the Lighthouse

>> No.10990682 [View]
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I'm 21 now, didn't start seriously reading until around two years ago and am ashamed to admit I can remember every book I've read since the list is is so short.

Chronological order:
>On the Road (got me into reading)
>Dharma Bums
>East of Eden
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>This Side of Paradise
>Invisible Man by Ellison
>Metamorphosis by Kafka
>The Sun Also Rises
>The Road by Cormac McCarthy
>Infinite Jest
>Brothers K
>Plato's Republic
>The Trial by Kafka
>A Personal Matter by Oe
>Lyonesse by Jack Vance
>Mason & Dixon

Yeah, this is every book I can remember reading.

>> No.10857564 [View]
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Did you even watch it?

>> No.10246428 [View]
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Jesus, fucking, christ.
Every god damn day it just gets worse.
I got up the nerve to talk to my manager today about the plight of working class servitude, and how unfair it was to force people to not only subsist on minimum wage but also subpar hours.

"You can't honestly expect me to live like this," I told him.
He simply raised an eyebrow, and walked away. The proletariat dominates our society, and leaves nothing for us unfortunate few. The working class is a part of the problem as well I'm afraid. I'm a part of the 1%, not the top mind you, but the bottom percentage of society that is left with the carrion and scraps left over from the decaying corpses left to us by those in better positions.

For eons it has been this way, much in the same way Compsognathus had to wait for the T-rex's and Herbivorous monstrosities of their day to drop pieces of minced Anklesaur's and Leaves.

I called my parole officer after leaving work, and informed her of the atrocities that had been accosted to me by society, and how unfair it was that I had to report to her all because of a simple misunderstanding regarding a fire.

Yes, I set it. But my ex had assuredly cheated on me, and I could not guarantee the universe would grant her Karmic retribution for this atrocity and instead manners into my own hands.

She told me I should see my psychologist more often then I had been and asked me if I had been taking my pills.
I informed her I had (I hadn't) and re-initiated my flirtatious endeavors with her and alluded to the fact that I found her sufficiently attractive for intercourse.

As usual however, she offered little to no comment on this discourse and seemed to hurry in getting off the phone with me.

I give today a B+, comparatively to the last few months, it wasn't altogether miserable and I actually felt like I made some headway in convincing others as to what I really need out of my lot in life.

>> No.8716436 [View]
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It's funny how liberals have no issues accepting nature when it comes to debating theist, but we'll completely go on faith and ignore facts when that nature must be applied to humans.

I wonder if we will ever be able to have a decent conversation about race on TV without everyone going apeshit about feelings.

>Go back to /pol

>> No.7819471 [View]
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Hi, /lit/!
I don't know where exactly to ask, but I have a question which is quite about this topic.
Next year I am going to write a seminar work, which is supposed to have at least 50 pages.
As my subject chose english (english is not my mother language), and I sadly don't have that many ideas what to write about, so my question is simples, any ideas?
They gave us some topics , but they are not that much interesting (at least for me).
I thought I would write about life of J.R.R. Tolkien, maybe about his fantasy world , but I would really appreciate any idea!
(Of course the topic has to be somehow connected with the subject - english)

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