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>> No.7320740 [View]
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“Agreed.” Satan nodded. He stepped past her and the nephilim to enter the shanty. At the sight of the second intruder, the woman and her children began screaming at a higher pitch. Despite the low brow and vacantness behind the eyes, enough sentient thought regarding sanctity of life remained that adult woman instinctually moved herself between the children and the devil to protect them. Satan took in the scene; the woman, the crying children, the headless corpse lying in a twisted pose on the floor. After assessing it all, he reached down and grabbed the man’s body by the ankle. With a quick yank, the entire left leg, skin and all, tore free of the rest and dangled in his grip. Still holding the ankle with one hand, the black claws of the other went to work. First they cleaved the leg in half at the knee. The ankle and foot were dropped to pick up the thigh. Satan reached to the upper end to grasp the ball of the femur where it had recently connected to the hip and held it out. The nails cut like a butcher’s blade to strip away fleshy bits and muscle until only the white bone beneath remained. A quick whittling motion allowed the claws to file the lower end into a sharpened point. He returned to the crypt orchid and handed the bone to her. Satan then grasped one of his horns and with a grimace, broke it from his head. Before she could manage a reaction or response, Satan reached over his own shoulder, grabbing the base of his left wing with the same hand while reaching over with the horn in his right. He clenched his teeth and began cutting in a sawing motion with the horn. Both the nephilim and the woman watched in horror as he began to dismember his own limb. Accompanied by the sound of wood splitting, the base separated and wing came loose from his body. The devil’s reaction to the amputation seemed little more than minor discomfort. When the action finished he held the grey and black membrane aloft. It hung limp until he dropped the horn and stretched it wide with both hands. The wing cracked and popped like broken cartilage but when he relaxed, it retained its larger shape. He held his hand out and the crypt orchid returned the bone to him. Accompanied by a strong thrust, the bone’s pointed end penetrated the wing and went rigid. The hand holding the wing let go and when he held the bone upright the two unrelated items now fashioned a simple parasol. Not entirely disappointed with its crudity, he looked upon the creation with Contentment before handing it to her.

Ok I'm done

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