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>> No.23505472 [View]
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>> No.23498687 [View]
File: 29 KB, 346x401, 1652277018766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>th (1) (27)
>le ebin republitard pwnage
How are you such a fucking loser?

>> No.22692257 [View]
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>retard leftists still seething over this centrist boomer
Go back to r3ddit you massive faggots.

>> No.21052056 [View]
File: 29 KB, 346x401, BoomerWaffen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only buy Paperback books
i only download epubs (Thanks Putin for LibGen)

>> No.21029232 [View]
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>that vid
I have no words.

>> No.20794907 [View]
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never thought i'd say this but antifa needs to brick this nigmutt. insignificant petty narcissist pasting his ugly jew-looking mutt face everywhere, get the fuck out of my face nigger, you aren't even remotely based. start naming (((them))) or promoting white identity if you want 4chan on your side, until then gtfo my /lit/

>> No.20778852 [View]
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>jeets and mooslems arguing again
please stop

>> No.20735100 [View]
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>complains about /pol/
>uses /pol/ insults
Kill yourself subhuman.

>> No.20506951 [View]
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>mfw all the antiwhite redditor subhumans itt

>> No.20446570 [View]
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I am parsing an old tome like you with my best intentions but I do not intend to be buried in it.
I am not going back to any McSynagogue or True Scotsman Synagogue no matter what Guenon said about Muh Medieval glory. Yes I am boorishly anachronistic and an eastaboo. The only exotic thing worth mystifying oneself over sophistically is a rigorous replicatable edifying enobling of consciousness with direct knowledge as the crowning macguffin. The Dharmic religions especially the Schopenhauer outcast of the Dharmic religions, Buddhism, is the most portable and minimalist therefore accessible and relatable. Islam is inaccessible. We are almost subsumed by it and Europe is just about lost. Pali pedantry will be more European than any further wringing of withered foreskin demon mania. I put my philosophers like dominos pointing to the East.

>> No.20396926 [View]
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>all nu occultism
>actual esoteric = chaos "magic" - in your own words, mainstream (not esoteric)

Your take on niggers being retards is based, but the recommendations are really lame and fall more in the realm of vulgar occultism (enforcement of the ego, misuse of magic for material purposes, perhaps even satanism) than true esotericism.

I can imagine the reason modern occultist dykes/trannies/larpers think nigger rituals and chaos magic is the most powerful is because they don't understand that actual spiritual power can only come from transcending the human condition, something which requires rigorous personal development, introspection, wisdom, extreme patience, strength, etc. The fact remains that africans have no initiatic traditions, and even calling their traditions occultism is a stretch, since it is more superstitious than anything and not kept a secret. They are not aware of the doctrine of the immortal body common to all higher forms of spirituality, and the destruction of the vulgar ego which is a presupposition for all such doctrines. They have regressed into superstitions, it is not spirituality.

>> No.20360689 [View]
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I don't care.

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