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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23403491 [View]
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>Ebooks or physical?
Ebooks mainly
>What time of day do you typically read/prefer to read?
Afternoons, post lunch
>How often do you read, and how much do you read in a given sitting?
20 pages of two different books. 30 if I’m feeling extra ambitious. I try to read everyday.
>Where do you read?
My bed, or the living room couch if no one is home
>Currently reading?

>> No.23398742 [View]
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1. Good, but the gender theory is unnecessary

2. Learning all sorts of stuff about liminality and anti-structure in terms of pilgrimages and rites of passage in certain societies and cultures

3. Okay, kind of boring. Just plowing through this so I can get to Winckelmanns book

4. A little more interesting than 3 but somewhat confusing

5. It’s interesting to hear that early mercenaries were abject foreign criminals if they weren’t getting paid

6. Good poetry, he seems to invoke a lot of freedom as an American poet. Lots of references to wind and forests.

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