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>> No.12623077 [View]
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it's the overturning of postmodernity itself which is the most important task for philosophy today, because it is anything but postmodern now. it's just modernity with a giant asterisk beside it. and it cannot be done by reifying the same metaphysics of presence that got us into this jam in the first place, and which are manifest nowhere so clearly as in idpol. they exist also in Landian acceleration too, imho; Landian capital is the yin to intersectional yang.

i think intersectional nihilism in a world quietly more Baroque than we realize is a far better look all round. Nietzsche himself is the spectre everyone has to wrestle with; like Kefka, he always wins. Heidegger has a pretty good rejoinder to him, but Heidegger's sensibilities are also always a shade too close to the Third Reich, and on top of that, there's his intimations about the Gestell, and Land absolutely knows exactly why that is. Land elected to plunge into the whirlwind, and i'll give that one irritating anon credit for at least this much: it's true, he winds up dwelling in some rather unsavory territory, if you are inclined towards Boring Centrism and not, you know, wanting to see the world as lacking a racial holy war. i do not feel this.

but what i do feel is that we are heading down the path to ruination as things are being done presently, and precisely because our supposedly baked-in incredulity towards metanarrative has only recently reversed itself, and now - what a surprise! - it is fidelity to narratives that must be preached. this is why race and gender are anathema to me. they never fail to turn three-dimensional thought into two-dimensional thought, they are precisely the abyss that turns one into a monster. it monstrified Land and it monstrifies those who hate Land also for exposing the brutal truth about the machines we are presently bound to serve, because we are still stuck in the same ungodly time-loop we have been in for two centuries, and which is petit-bourgeois through and through.

the apocalypse is already here; this is what it looks like. the right way to get through it is by coming to a sense that the contradictions within it are features and not bugs. trying to erase the bugs by way of old-school modernist witch-hunting guarantees that they will repeat themselves over and over and over again. that too was part of the message of that game: the Warring Triad voluntarily disarmed (after press-ganging no end of demihumans into a holy war). they might have remained that way, but fate had other plans.

for at least one turbopseud with too much time on his hands, greatest game ever, greatest villain ever, best story ever, full stop period.

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