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>> No.23439687 [View]
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Grasp the concept of UNIVERSAL MIND as the God-king when all the particular minds have attained to the higher standpoint of the universal mind and necessarily know and live by the law of the universal mind because they now know themselves TO BE the universal mind.

>> No.23433878 [View]
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>The EXOTERIC [HINT HINT] teaching of the Kantian philosophy — that the understanding ought not to go beyond experience, else the cognitive faculty will become a theoretical reason which by itself generates nothing but fantasies of the brain — this was a justification from a philosophical quarter for the renunciation of speculative thought.

>> No.23433235 [View]
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>the symbolism and the metaphorical language is the entire science and philosophy.
and furthermore no it is not. Leaving the truth clothed in metaphor is criticized by Hegel as intellectual laziness. And a true disciple of Christ must go beyond parables.

>He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables

>To pit this single assertion, that “in the Absolute all is one”, against the organised whole of determinate and complete knowledge, or of knowledge which at least aims at and demands complete development – to give out its Absolute as the night in which, as we say, all cows are black – that is the very naïveté of emptiness of knowledge.

>> No.23382792 [View]
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The EXOTERIC teaching of the Kantian philosophy — that the understanding ought not to go beyond experience, else the cognitive faculty will become a theoretical reason which by itself generates nothing but fantasies of the brain — this was a justification from a philosophical quarter for the renunciation of speculative thought.

>> No.23355720 [View]
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The purpose of the Encyclopedia is descriptive: to describe how the idea (or reason) develops itself and not to apply the dialectical method to all areas of human knowledge, but the Idea is in process of growing, like a seed growing into a mature tree: it passes through stages. The first stage of the idea's development is described in the Logic. Thus the Logic presents the categories of thought as they are in themselves; they are the minimal conditions for thinking anything at all, the conceptions that run in the background of all our thinking. For Hegel, unlike Kant, reason is not just "for us", but rather it is immanent within being. The rational alone is real, and is the substrate of all things. In order to get at what a thing is, we must think about it. No amount of observing will bring us to the essence of things. Thinking and being are equivalent, and so logic and metaphysics are equivalent as well.

>> No.23285736 [View]
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The Owl of Minerva takes flight at dusk. You won't get Hegel and will never get Hegel unless you actually do the work of reading the whole system and acheiving an intellectual intuition of the idea of the system as a whole and the role all the parts and moments play in the system and their true meaning in the context of that intuition of the whole. In simple terms, Hegel requires initiation (running through the course of dialectic) to be understood. You are either take the leap of faith and run through the dialectic hoping in the end it'll all make sense and enter into the ranks of the initiates or drop out and remain with the profane and seethe and cope as you do now.

>> No.23139546 [View]
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Why did you read Hegel?

>> No.23120305 [View]
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Hegel BTFO quantum theory
>The conception of discrete, simple, rays of light, and of particles and bundles of them which are supposed to constitute light in its limited expansion, belongs among the rest of the conceptual barbarism which has, particularly since Newton, become dominant in physics.

>> No.23115959 [View]
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>magick is apparently ineffable

>there is mystery in the mystical, only however for the understanding which is ruled by the principle of abstract identity; whereas the mystical, as synonymous with the speculative, is the concrete unity of those propositions which understanding only accepts in their separation and opposition. And if those who recognise Mysticism as the highest truth are content to leave it in its original utter mystery, their conduct only proves that for them too, as well as for their antagonists, thinking means abstract identification, and that in their opinion, therefore truth can only be won by renouncing thought, or as it is frequently expressed, by leading the reason captive.

>> No.23115495 [View]
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Why did Hegel say philosophy was better than art and religion? Did Hegel think High Magic was the same as religion?

>> No.23060082 [View]
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no it isn't
>Philosophy is, by its very nature, something esoteric, neither made for the vulgar as it stands [für sich], nor capable of being got up to suit the vulgar taste

>> No.23059701 [View]
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>Common sense cannot understand speculation; and what is more, it must come to hate speculation when it has experience of it; and, unless it is in the state of perfect indifference that security confers, it is bound to detest and persecute it.

>> No.23057823 [View]
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>it's simply misleading to call this "idealism,"

>This ideality of the finite is the chief maxim of philosophy; and for that reason every genuine philosophy is idealism.
Actually read Hegel next time.

>> No.22873753 [View]
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wtf are you talking about retard? You only hold reason captive when you do not push thought to unravel the mystery. Mysticism is still true. It is the exact same truth except speculative logic dares to use reason to linguistically express it in the terminology of logic and metaphysics instead of non-discursive symbolism, i.e., myth, allegory, metaphor, etc.

>> No.22627006 [View]
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>go for ideals (Katsrupt, this view is unpopular), or go for panpsychism (also unpopular).
and why is this? Why is it so hard for them to accept what the greatest philosophers and religions have said over and over again throughout history? But let's be honest: the real answer is prejudice.

>Absolute idealism, however, though it is far in advance of vulgar realism, is by no means merely restricted to philosophy. It lies at the root of all religion; for religion too believes the actual world we see, the sum total of existence, to be created and governed by God.

>> No.22623610 [View]
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>midwits think he's the grandfather of atheist globohomo or worse, an orthodox Lutheran
>is actually the temporal incarnation of the Universal God-Mind revealing itself through human speech in the form of the system of pure reason which is the eternal law and order of the universe
>is actually more catholic than catholics
>is actually perennialist
if only guenonfag (pbuh) were here to see this

>> No.22605820 [View]
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nope because Marx divorced the dialectic from idealism and God.

>the opposition of idealistic and realistic philosophy has no significance. A philosophy which ascribed veritable, ultimate, absolute being to finite existence as such, would not deserve the name of philosophy

>Absolute idealism, however, though it is far in advance of vulgar realism, is by no means merely restricted to philosophy. It lies at the root of all religion; for religion too believes the actual world we see, the sum total of existence, to be created and governed by God.

>> No.22605429 [View]
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unjustified=\= absolute
Pure Being is not a postulate, it is not postulated-- it IS. Nor is it arbitrary, in fact, and necessarily, concepts like justification, arbitrariness, contingency already presuppose Pure Being, which is universal absolutely and from it everything else is derived. And since the principle of contradiction is not actually a principle and must be derived from this universal principle, it antecedes any distinction into justified and unjustified, or arbitrary and not arbitrary. Because of this Pure Being is, as the absolute principle of Logic, both justified and not justified, necessary and contingent.

>there is nothing, nothing in heaven, or in nature or in mind or anywhere else which does not equally contain both immediacy and mediation,

>There is no way to determine the truth or falsity of a postulate besides saying your feelings make you think it's true.
The true is the whole. Not any particular proposition in the system of logic, but the whole system itself.

>what logic is cannot be stated beforehand, rather does this knowledge of what it is first emerge as the final outcome and consummation of the whole exposition.

>> No.22583331 [View]
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>they hate me because they ain't me

>> No.22574995 [View]
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>>Every philosophy is essentially an idealism or at least has idealism for its principle, and the question then is only how far this principle is actually carried out. This is as true of philosophy as of religion; for religion equally does not recognise finitude as a veritable being, as something ultimate and absolute or as something underived, uncreated, eternal. Consequently the opposition of idealistic and realistic philosophy has no significance. A philosophy which ascribed veritable, ultimate, absolute being to finite existence as such, would not deserve the name of philosophy

Bugmen will never recover from this.

>> No.22558332 [View]
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if you havn't actually read Hegel stfu brainlets

>I have been only too often and too vehemently attacked by opponents who were incapable of making the simple reflection that their opinions and objections contain categories which are presuppositions and which themselves need to be criticised first before they are employed.

>> No.22501319 [View]
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the typical normie is best exemplified by the female

>Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy, and certain forms of artistic production.

>The status of manhood, on the other hand, is attained only by the stress of thought and much technical exertion.

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