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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20705752 [View]
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First it's
>Jesus losers have trouble refuting anything, their religion can't stand on two legs.
Now it's
>it took too long!
Moving the goalposts doesn't help your case.

God created the nations. He did not command Christians to destroy them.

In Matthew, Thessalonians, and Revelations it is stated that Christ will return "like a thief in the night".
This is understood to mean that He will return unexpectedly and unannounced. Christians are not to sit around waiting for Him to show up. Those who believe they know when He will return are in error.

I'm sure I can characterize your creation myth as equally stupid.
Very likely I could demonstrate that our creation myths are the same story.

>Humanity destroys all surface life
This is not actually an expectation of Christian doctrine. There are cults and sects which do, but these are non-traditional. Heresies abound.

>> No.20426753 [View]
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I am not against reading the Vedas, but the words of Jesus Christ ARE spiritual truth. Jesus Christ IS our salvation. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater because of any issues with religiosity.

>> No.19743762 [View]
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>How can you be so smug when your religion is literally dead?
On the contrary. Among Whites, Christians are the fastest-growing demographics in America. The Amish and Hutterites are THE fastest-growing and they're Christian like you wouldn't believe. As secular society breaks down in economic crisis and cultural balkanization, the areligous are returning to the churches in droves. My city isn't that large but the mainline-protestant church I go to is packed with young, enthusiastic families.

The sheep are being separated from the goats and the meek are inheriting the earth.

>It's not the Middle Ages anymore, we can do whatever the fuck we want, and being enslaved by men isn't one of them.
I assume you're a single mother. You will only be able to do that until a few more rounds of inflation pass and welfare programs are overwhelmed. You will learn to be a decent person to the man you're lucky enough to marry —God willing— and you'll find domesticity is something you actually enjoy and treasure.

Christ be with you.

P.S. Contrary to what jews told your teachers to tell you, Christians and the Church cherish women. I have never seen a Christian woman treated with anything but respect and love by her family and community. There is no secret seamy underside where they're all enslaved or what have you. It's just nice for them.

>> No.19004186 [View]
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"Thank you, Lord."

>> No.17914369 [View]
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Tacitus, Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Tranquillus. Secular sources who attest to reports of miracles, etc. But like I say, accounts of actual miracles are attested to by Christians. If Tacitus had personally observed one of the miracles, he would've converted, and you'd be considering him a Christian source. I believe your approach to this is flawed in any case. Look at what Christianity teaches, give earnest prayer a chance, and decide for yourself. If you won't try to pray earnestly, or openly, but are hardening your heart before you even try, then what's the point? Hardening your heart to God's grace - not even attempting to seek Him or be open to Him - is listed in the Bible as the one sin God won't forgive (because you won't let him). But your mere presence in this thread suggests to me you're seeking, and I know what a painful, difficult process that is. When I started on this path, some 6 years ago, I found particularly helpful Mere Christianity by CS Lewis as an intro, then Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man by GK Chesterton, Confessions by St Augustine, Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton, and various works of apologetics after that (The Essential Catholic Survival Guide, Peter Kreeft's 'A Shorter Summa', and Screwtape Letters by Lewis are highlights).

I wish you the best of luck regardless and will pray for you and everyone in this thread. I may have faith, but I am probably a worse sinner than you. Faith doesn't stop you sinning, but it certainly takes all the fun out of it.

(I would also recommend some of the short YouTube videos covering chapters from Screwtape Letters, and Fulton Sheen's sermons/10 minute videos. He was an excellent orator).

>> No.16710059 [View]
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Tranquility does not equal passivity, nor does adventure equal sin. You've said you're going to bed and I doubt the thread will be up when you return, so there's not really possibility of a conversation here. But if you see this my best advice to you would be to read CS Lewis' Mere Christianity and some Chesterton (Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy). Lewis' work isn't perfect but it'll certainly reframe your ideas around heaven being boring. A sin isn't the opposite of a virtue, it's the excess or deficit of a virtue.

>> No.16477468 [View]
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Laudate Eum. Glory to God in the highest.

>> No.15392637 [View]
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Is it more important for literature to be didactic or beautiful?

>> No.14907592 [View]
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Do you stop reading a book you're not enjoying, or do you persevere regardless?

Reading The Plague by Camus since I thought it was topical, but it's just making me bored and tired of an excess of disease. I want to move onto a different novel and finish the plague later in the year, but feel like I'm giving up.

>> No.14718496 [View]
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Why not let /lit/ guide my life decisions?
I'm doing an English degree full time alongside a full time job. Managed to juggle both so far but now need to switch to part time hours. What's something English related that I could do part time while finishing my degree?
Most TA positions are post-grad etc so finding it hard

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