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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6565270 [View]
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Adorno's on your side OP

>> No.6499852 [View]
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>> No.6176840 [View]
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>Lenin was the true architect of socialism

pls kill me
I don't hate Lnin, I appreciate his early work, but saying that the late NEP-Lenin was the architect of Capital S Socialism is just wrong.

>> No.5977921 [View]
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>> No.5302914 [DELETED]  [View]
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so when did you grow out of anarchism, /lit/?

>> No.5261996 [View]
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>/lit/'s naivity on the topic of communism
is this some kind of joke or is the self-proclaimed most intelligent board really this retarded?
However, for the more educated ones under us; what do you think about post-marxism? Especially about critical theory and value criticism?

>> No.5048988 [View]
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>falling for regressive anti-capitalism and structural antisemitism
>falling for mythology instead of criticizing bourgeoise ideology
>not bluepilled as shit

>> No.4998314 [View]
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Alright. I'm calling bait. This post is too much summerkid abortion for it to be legitimate.

On the off-chance that you're not joking you should go back to your gaming pc and leave the ethical concerns of aesthetics to others.

>> No.4976501 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is the working class the revolutionary subject, /lit/?

>> No.4922075 [View]
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dat guy was srsly depressed

>> No.4840727 [DELETED]  [View]
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so what does lit think about Adorno/Horkheimer, critical theory and the Antideutsche?

>> No.4439967 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why didn't Adorno ever say that the German language was complicit? Did the German language not have any influence on Enlightenment thinking?

>> No.4312572 [DELETED]  [View]
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Adorno is Kantian and his categorial imperative is negative:

Thou shalt not Holocaust.

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