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>> No.16805337 [View]
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I used to be really good at video games, particularly Halo and Call of Duty. I would sell 'level 50' accounts in Halo 3 and I was consistently ranked top 100 in the world in public free for all matches in CoD Black Ops. This was roughly age 13-17 (late 2000s/early 2010s). I also had two friends who got very minor video game sponsorships and they both placed in the top 25 on gamebattles (one in Halo and one in this game called Shadow Run iIRC). I ended up quitting video games, but I kind of wish I still had my old skills. I could probably get most of it back within a few months, although the last time I tried to play CoD (a few months ago) I was basically average.
Although it's probably for the best that I don't spend much time on video games. At the time, it was mainly because as a teenager I got more and more into drugs - both using and selling. These day I don't play because I'm busy with other hobbies. Mainly math, philosophy, and biology (e.g. combinatorics, dynamical systems, game theory, evolution, communication, etc). I also play guitar, although not very well, and last summer I summer I starter doing very basic carpentry and working out. I built a new fence, a privacy lattice, and repaired my deck. Hopefully I keep that up. And I started going to the gym, although I've always been fairly active, so that's not completely new to me.
I do miss playing video games and it was really cool being one of 'the best in the world' at something, but it was kind of a useless skill and the shit I do now is more productive and rewarding. I have a lot of nostalgia for that time period though, although I was actually pretty depressed. Probably just because I was a teenager and internet culture was just developing. Actually the first time I heard about 4chan, was from one of Halo teammates back in like 2008 or 2009. I think it was either Haboo hotel or Boxxy.

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