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>> No.16470002 [View]
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this - Evola's position is very nuanced pertaining to Christianity and varies widely through his literature. The quote above is from a text he explicitly rejects (Pagan Imperialism) in his essay Against the Neopagans, on the basis that its was too unexamined. Evola praises Christianity, specifically Catholicism in Revolt many times, but hes even more cordial to it in his Ghibellinism essay, as well as in Men Among the Ruins because he finally expounds on his intellectual debt to Catholic thinkers like Joseph De Maistre, Giambattista Vico and St. Thomas Aquinas. Not to mention the mystics.
In The Doctrine of Awakening, he also sees the same spiritual as mystic health in the best of Buddhism in the mystical theology of Meister Eckhart and Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.
From his Mask and Face;
>"Today with difficulty, if not exceptionally in some close to dangerous existential crises, the potentiality of Christianity at its beginnings as that “tragic doctrine of salvation” can be re-actualized. The problem is not set and we even say without reticence that if anyone who has known, for some time, nothing other than the vainest constructions of philosophy and the secular plebeian university culture of today or the contaminations of the various contemporary individualisms, aestheticisms, and romanticisms, would “convert” to Catholicism and would experience truly the faith at least, with a total commitment and possibly in a “sacrificial” sense, that would signify not an abdication but rather, in spite of everything, a progress."
He truly did see Catholicism as one of the few last remaining recourses to Tradition available to Western Man.

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