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>> No.14357986 [View]
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yep, i'm here. just not quite as intensely as before. i've thoroughly downloaded Land's Demon Summoning Program and now i'm trying to devise some other ways of looking at the world to take the edge off, as man cannot live on amphetamines and Deleuze alone.

one of the things that i was thinking about the other day was how much Nietzsche is kind of a forgotten man amidst all the political stuff, how his critique of morality is as on-point as ever. so i went back and re-read him, and was once again utterly blown away. then more reading of Deleuze, who also has a funny way of destabilizing all those funny axioms we think we need to live by - or, as it has been better described elsewhere, the
>concrete pieces of death that live inside us

i'd probably have more of a presence on the forum these days if i had any idea which end was up, as i presently do not. there are always cool things to read tho - like pic rel, or Vernant's books on the early Greeks, much much else. when i look back at some of my older posts they seem like they are written by a man possessed, which is perhaps in some sense true. i had a lot of stuff i needed to scream about.

anyways. i'll probably be around for a while yet, it's not like i have anything really special to do with my life other than ramble about philosophy, and this board is as cozy as ever. but when opinions and moods and stuff changes as fast as it sometimes does i kind of want to feel like i have my metaphysical ducks lined up a little more before launching into a long schizo-ramble screed. so generally i'll probably be on low volume for a bit, but who knows? it's not like the world is getting less interesting...but politics just sucks ass, and sucks everything towards it.

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