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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12155526 [View]
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how does one go about dealing with handling feeling of inferiority because of no present coping mechanism due to previous misfortunes (childhood) they seem to come from nowhere and as a person who tends to overthink and wants to make sure choices which we all know there is no sure way but what about foundations?
We need to be inspired by something, in the end of the day we choose a road but what about the one who is unsure where to go, this leads to deep nihilism, depressive existential dread.

Follow religion blindly? there are people who do that but still their intentions are good and the theology and the way of action brings success and happiness to make these points valid.
Should one just trust a leap of faith or bending down to cultural reinforcements? or like the atheistic types who simply dismiss everything spiritual and having no substance whatsoever besides science and empirical truth (imo quite ignorant)?

or should one relentlessly pursue biblical literature or islamic literature and glaze through the incomprehensible mythical stories?

or people who wrongly fall for ideologies like marx, nazist, political majority (left, right)?

I for myself am stuck overthinking, the only safe path seem to study oneself and take action as in world is a place to action and we decide the importance and meaning onto things, even tho my dilemma level falls in the level of the Peterson's ideology which imo is the safest due to individualistic values, meaning and interest to not dismiss religious text and that with a mix of stoicism and future plans on going all in with Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Jung in the manner of giving meaning to life from the world via "the most woke" and with the fear that will lead to further confusion.

or acting out religious ideals with praying and giving and practicing every detail like waking up before the sun rises and pray to the one true god. Sure it sounds good but what's the reason to do when others don't even know about your god and are not that bad of people, how can that be a safe cornerstone.

It's so confusing to me, all these questions, all these people, all these beliefs, who is right? who is wrong? There is a lot of difference between people and yet they can manage to work together despite what they believe in is completely opposite.

>> No.12129880 [View]
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Hi /lit/,

Right now i'm 19 years old. During my teenage years I mostly just spend my time gaming and reading fantasy books. During past 2 years I've kinda grown out of it and started to take interest in real-life issues and politics. I would like to get a deep knowledge of political philosophy so I can seriously participate in the discourse. Here is a list I've compiled to read. Right now, I'm about to finish The Republic.

The republic - Plato
Politics - Aristotles
Cicero - republic
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
City of god - St. Augustine
The prince - Machiavelli (and discourses of Livy)
Leviathan - Hobbes
Two treatises on government - Locke
Reflections on the Revolution in France - Burke
Philosophy of the right - Hegel
Beyond good and evil - Nietsche
Mein Kampf- Hitler
For my legionaries - Codreanu
Culture of critique - Kevin Mcdonald

Let me know what you think of it, do you think it's a good idea to read these books in chronological order?

>> No.10176752 [View]
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what are your favourite philosophy books?

>> No.10036674 [View]
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Can we just admit that skimming wikipedia and watching youtube videos is a better way to understand philosophical books than actually reading them. You still learn all the big points but much faster and in a more comprehensive way.

>> No.10016917 [View]
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What is the only one true philosophy?
Which one book will give me the answers to every question I will ever have and I should base my entire life and worldview upon?

No theism

>> No.9534732 [View]
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Any recommendations on philosophy books. Never read one in my life. Where should I start?

>> No.9509406 [View]
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What is philosophy's endgame?
Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean this in an strictly pragmatic, utilitarian way, but what's the point of all the apparatus built around studying it?
Year after year, tens of thousands of freshmen enter college They're taught about logic, old and new philosophy; they learn. After graduating, many will move away from it completely in a professional setting and do whatever, the rest will study even more and, maybe, get a tenure so he can, too, teach more people in the future. Maybe he will publish some papers, maybe he will publish some papers that are significant. Very rarely he will publish something that's truly significant and will change the way we think philosophy. But so what? What have the Deleuzes, Foucaults and Heideggers in history achieved?
Thinking about this reminded me of Hesse's Glass Bead Game. What's the point? Is philosophy a fucking hobby?

>> No.8896655 [View]
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I want to learn about philosophy. Where do I start?

>> No.8643219 [View]
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Can someone tell me objectively the difference between the two? Why are they in conflict with each other?

>> No.8529560 [View]
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and why it exists as a sub field in our beautiful field of philosophy?

>> No.8462338 [View]
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I can't decide what to do.
I want to express my thoughts on civilization, human behavior. If I write it directly, when I read what I said it sounds too deep for normal people to understand. They would probably think I'm a lunatic or something. My thoughts are very chaotic so it's hard to write a structured essay or book, I ask too much rethoric questions. For me it sounds too dry, like I'm tryng to shove my thoughts into other brains. It's probably boring to read too. Maybe there is somekind of guide about writing a philosophical book?
However, if I write a novel, I can put this idea subtly and show these thoughts in artistic form. The downside is that I need to create interesting and fulfilling story, which would cost much more time. The upside is that more people would take me seriously (in addition teenagers who probably don't read anything else besides fiction), and I could show the consequences if we continue living in the way we are living right now. One more downside is that adults don't read fiction (at least I don't know anyone that does), so my novel would only impact teenagers. If they read than it's more likely to be some kind of thriller or mistery, but I intend to write about ancient historic land, but I doubt that would be interesting for adults.

How do you generally express your philosophical thoughts?

>> No.7859691 [View]
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What is /lit/s response to STEMfags who call philosophy pointless opinions of idiotic people?

>> No.7799560 [View]
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For my senior project I said I would do philosophy essays because I thought it could look impressive and be pretty easy

I have absolutely no idea what to write about

Philosophy rec thread? I need to at least read a couple books to look like I did something.

>> No.7509955 [View]
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Is reading philosophy worth it? I'm interested but it seems like quite an undertaking and I don't want to put in the effort if I'm just being memed without realizing it

>> No.7352746 [View]
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My friend says people are innately evil.

Is he right?

>> No.7131663 [View]
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What philosophical belief do you find yourself following /lit/?

Which philosopher do you take most inspiration from?

>> No.7108096 [View]
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Why is philosophy not taught in schools? Math is, why not philosophy?
How can we blame philosophy for not being influential enough to invest time in, if we dont give people the opportunity to get interested in it?
History involves huge amounts of material but we still manage to find what to choose something to teach kids at history class.

>> No.6918239 [View]
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Why do people read philosophy when it's a bunch of people living 100+ years ago making shit up about how the world works? What do they do to substantiate their claims?

>> No.6680596 [DELETED]  [View]
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Nah bro, nah bro, wtf is going on bro. Nah bro.

Nah, yeah, look at these words, nah shit is freaking as fuck bro. Yeah nope nope, we're just sitting on our asses reading this on this thing we call the internet, yeah nah bro.

I wanna cry dont even know why, wtf is that shit? wtf are these things I'm feeling. Yeah nah, fuck this shit. Wtf is this, what is going on. I'm scared. Fuck existence.

>> No.6677941 [View]
File: 276 KB, 1280x640, Philosophy2carosel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, nah bro, wtf is going on bro. Nah bro.

Nah, yeah, look at these words, nah shit is freaking as fuck bro. Yeah nope nope, we're just sitting on our asses reading this on this thing we call the internet, yeah nah bro.

I wanna cry dont even know why, wtf is that shit? wtf are these things I'm feeling. Yeah nah, fuck this shit. Wtf is this, what is going on. I'm scared. Fuck existence.


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