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>> No.24161977 [View]
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>pleasure bad
>pain good
Are there any other books with similar outlooks?

>> No.24152813 [View]
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Read this and thank me later

>> No.23989432 [View]
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>depicts Nietzschean master as an effeminate soiboy who flees screaming like a girl the moment he realizes his mind tricks don't work on the strong and masculine Maskull.
>Depicts his creative artistic endeavor as nothing more than a meaningless, self-indulgent delusion that produces absolutely nothing of value and doesn't even come close to the likes of Earthrid's music.
>Has Maskull brutally choke him to death.

What did Lindsay mean by this? Was Crimtyphon an ubermensch? was Maskull? Or was it a rib on Hegel's idea of masters as these fearless men who spend their time doing "higher pursuits" like art and shit?

>> No.23883367 [View]
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>pleasure bad
>pain good

>> No.23778638 [View]
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So I'm just supposed to keep going after all this.

>> No.23656204 [View]
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Any other works that are anti-this-world or anti-life while still retaining some sense of heroism?

>> No.23616773 [View]
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>christianity bad
>stoicism bad
>buddhism bad
>asceticism bad
>gnosticism bad
>religions bad
>God(devil) bad
>atheists bad
>utopianism bad
>Nietzsche bad
>Hegel bad
>nature bad
>earth bad
>pleasure bad
>procreation bad
>abstinence bad
>world bad
>women bad
>men bad
>matter bad
>desire bad
>transcendence bad
>joy bad
>happiness bad
>philosophy bad
>life bad

And pain?

>> No.23552013 [View]
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I feel like I need some companion book to truly understand what's going on. Is there any?

>> No.23194213 [View]
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>mogs all sci-fi forever

>> No.22932813 [View]
File: 50 KB, 290x475, arcturus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trial didn't seem very metaphorical. Is the castle more like metamorphosis?
it's such a gay fucking allegory though
ah jeez

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