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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20445117 [View]
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Upon hearing of Foucault, he stopped and thought of the Paul Morris guy, who candidly spoke, in a tone as casual as someone telling you about a cute dog they saw, about the days of San Francisco's gay emergence, during which he frequented bathhouses such as Folsom's one and only "Handball Express" (may the creators of such disgraceful pun know the depths of hell). And any story involving San Fran's primordial puddles of anonymous homosexuality, the expression "Handball Express", Michael Focault and a man who told what was virtually an utter and complete stranger tales of the height of his vulgarity as if they were forgotten logistics of a supermarket list, sounding so disinterested in himself, can only be a tale of degeneracy so syphilitic that the whore of Babylon herself would cover her years and yell as to not feel her last shred of humanity being stripped from her psyche. But he spoke of how he fisted Focault, probably in good sight of Focault's pendulum, probably leaving enough of a cavernous vacuum through which you could hear the Eco, and in that moment he absorbed the information of the bald frenchman's genius through some sort of transmission of ideas found in the communion of sex. There was undoubtedly something of a beauty to the concept in itself, now that Billy thought of what he could extract of his beloved by having her sit on his lap, her back on his chest and stomach, and in the feeling of her warmth and smell of her perfume in his devouring of her nape and neck and shoulders, while her flesh flower submerged his member into her being. But Morris and Michel's elbow grease shenanigans were more of a "marriage of the shared audacity of vulgarity" more so than a "lovely and flowery marriage of kindred spirits". Like getting your dick sucked by random harlots in public bathrooms of nightclubs can only be romanticized if you really neve received motherly love, and tend to run after them with pants puddled around your ankles when they become bewildered by your proclamations of love growing from the sexually delirious to the cascading tears and desperately heartfelt.

>> No.20205663 [View]
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A mysterious entity named Billy Baby Switcher attacks a town one day. The bearer of terrifying reality warping powers, Billy Baby Switcher can make a woman find a baby kangaroo inside her pram, while a kangaroo in the Australian wilderness now has a two year old human baby in its bag, poking his head out. A pregnant woman's stomach inflates quickly until it bursts and explodes, releasing a baby rhino, while in the African savannah, a rhino is giving birth to a newborn human baby, which is abandoned and eaten by scavengers. A woman turns her back for a second while bathing her baby and when she turns it is now a baby dolphin, while her baby floats in the immensity of the ocean and is eaten by a shark. Much chaos and havoc ensues until Billy Baby Switcher disappears one day, floating away in the skies, while laughing manically at the destruction he has caused.


A young boy lives a peaceful happy life with his siblings, but has always been more limited than them. He doesn't go to school, can't read or write, only his family fully understands what he says, and is more clumsy than other kids. One day, he discovers that he isn't a child, but a duck, who was brought into the family as an egg and hatched, immediately imprinting on the humans and believing himself to be one. What is a fun and surreal confusion evolves into a psychological horror story as the duck now understands that his life will always be more limited than this of his siblings, and he will never marry, have a job, drive a car, buy things in a store, learn to read or live a remotely normal life.

>> No.20141303 [View]
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>Dedicated to my devoted and self-sacrificing proof-readers, may the lasting after-effects of coming into contact with the first drafts and versions of this work not overshadow the joy of participating in its concoction.
>In order of ailment occurrence
>Billy Joe Bob, permanent schizophrenia
>Mike Oxlong, early on-set dementia
>Oliver Klozoff, prolapsed anus and permanent damage of the rectal muscles
>Samanta Laserbeam, suicide by self-immolation
>Ben Dover, permanent psychosis following gouging of own eyes
>Rae Piste, fatal cardiac arrest following violent involuntary orgasms
>Phil McKraken, inexplicable switch in sexual orientation, further studies pending
>Gabe Itch, awakened foot fetishism, development of multiple sclerosis
>Kimmy Hed, willingly moved into New Jersey
>Dixie Normus, permanent phobia of books, the elderly, closed spaces, open spaces, outer space, other races, getting straight aces, medieval maces and shoelaces
>I will always cherish your efforts for my art

>> No.19356900 [View]
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The Savage Detectives
The Third Policeman
Gravity's Rainbow
Doctor Faustus (Thomas Mann's)
Moby Dick

Brave New World, Heart of a Dog, Master and Margarita

Goethe's Faust
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Against Nature, The Idiot, Candide

A Scanner Darkly, Slaughterhouse 5

The Third Policeman, City of Thieves

Infinite Jest, V., The Name of the Rose

Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

The Screwtape Letters

Goethe's Faust

Doctor Faustus

Blood Meridian

The Rum Diary, Tropic of Cancer, On the Road, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Tunnel

Did my best for you guise, probably some shit reccs tho

>> No.18617973 [View]
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>House of Leaves
>Anatomy of the State

>> No.18535568 [View]
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What's that there boy? ay'm gunna nee ya ta speak up if ya have something ta say, with y'all's little hat ayn' cowboy boots ayn' what nahwt. Nothing but ayy city mowuse in ayy disguise. You nahwt fooling anyone

>> No.18490364 [View]
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>Welcome to the Rectum Station, Destination: Uranus

>> No.15291465 [View]
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>>>When I see a dog, what is the object of my perception?
The manifestation of light hitting the physical body of the dog being interpreted by your sensory organs that allow you to know that the dog's physical body exists in the physical space.
>>Do you know that there is an external world?
Yes because your brain is inherently programmed to instinctively try to survive and avoid suffering and death, therefore it would not simulate any manner of danger or discomfort towards itself unless it suffers of a pathology such as schizophrenia. The world your senses perceive is natural because it goes against your instincts frequently, daily.
>>Does the mere existence of the world show there must be a necessary being?
Not necessarily a living being or a "supernatural" manifestation, but everything that exists originates from something that has existed before and every effect needs an originating cause
>>How does the existence of evil pose a problem for the existence of God?
It doesn't because an omnipotent being such as a God does not need to be moral, and there is no objective way to assert that God is not amoral, immoral or even evil.
>>Can the concept of belief properly be applied to animals?
Monkeys have been introduced to the concept of money before, dolphins and prairie dogs have a whole language of their own, and the simple hierarchies and symbolic positions in them are all forms of belief.
>>‘There is always a sensible alternative to revolution.’ Discuss.
There is and it is called Gradualism, Minarchism or attempts at changing the Estate from within, which are invariably stunted by the Estate's natural progression towards exponential growth, and are inferior to revolution in attaining their goals fast enough, however less liable to end in despotism as most revolutions turn out.
>>Are lies morally worse than bullshit?
Yes because they attack the root of a belief and transform it into something that it is not, while "bullshit" (which I am interpreting as being a false understanding of something) is merely an attempt at grasping something's true form without putting in the work of trying to learn and understand it.
>>Is regulating against hate speech an acceptable restriction of free speech?
No because the speech is either free or it isn't. Hate speech is necessary for civilizations so their members can tell who does and who doesn't expose hateful beliefs. If hate speech and vehemently forbidden, the Estate believes it is somehow changing human nature through shallow legalisms, but it is merely hiding the vehicle for one to expose what one truly thinks
>>'The state that follows life is no different from that which precedes it.' Discuss
In which we can not even know what they entail, and as far as all facts and evidence show they are more likely both states of non-existence, they are entirely similar as far as we understand it.

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