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>> No.11302542 [View]
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Hi OP i welcome this discussion and would be happy to provide you with my understanding of the issue. I am going to reply in context of the Christian God, though I am not entirely sure you are referring to this one.

If God were not real it would be necessary to invent him. There is too much ambiguity and trouble in thinking and belief to consider things as would be possible with "pure mind." We are entirely subjects of our environments, and I find it hard to believe that if there is a God he would hold us responsible for so many things that are beyond our control. Given that I am a product of my environment and i don't have control of what my environment is why should i have be responsible for what i become as a result of it? Response to environment is such a problematic issue because it doesn't only encompass what the surrounding culture/norms are but also the instinct and internal occurrences of the person responding (which may seem obvious to many but the dichotomy must be understood); ie, we are hardwired to survive, and we survive by adapting to a given environment with fear and other basic instincts (moves leg).

Of course, the proper response to this is that we can outdo our conditioning and condition ourselves to higher moral principles, and there's a few things i have wrong with that. (1) Releasing ourselves from the danger of simply being conditioned can only be done when we are aware of the danger of falling prey to conditioning (2) AND choosing something else to condition the self to presumes that there is a preferable alternative, and the line between whether that alternative is better or whether it is simply another reaction to a different environment is hard to comprehend.
I know its blurry and the answer is no where near as clear cut as that of religious dogmas, but I understand

There's a lot more here to understand, but I think the chief reason I don't believe in the Christian God is because I understand my nature can't be easily trusted. That's not to say i should distrust all my decisions (i wouldn't be able to function in such a way), but that I must be careful with what choices and decisions i make, believing in what is practical and not believing or doing what seems to me to be an emotional reaction rather than something arrived at with reason. Something I always found confusing with Christianity is how much of an influence it takes from Plato, yet how easily Christians cite emotion as evidence to God's existence. Talk to any real Catholic and they'll tell you that anxiety and fear and just feelings for the experience of coming to know God, but how can those feelings be trusted? The way it works for them is they arrive at the conclusions with reason and then react with emotion, so the emotion is based in reason. However, I think the line here is incredibly blurry; do i believe in it because i fear it? or do i fear it because i believe in it?

>> No.9309131 [View]
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Was it a question?

>> No.9219321 [View]
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Makoto discovers a message written on a blackboard at her high school, she inadvertently falls upon a walnut-shaped object. On her way home, Makoto is ejected into a railroad crossing when the brakes on her bicycle fail and is hit by a train. She finds herself transported back to the point in time when she was riding her bicycle right before the accident. Kazuko explains to Makoto that she has the power to "time-leap", to literally leap through time. At first, Makoto uses her powers to avoid being late, getting perfect grades, and even relive a single karaoke session for hours, but soon discovers that her actions can adversely affect others.

Consequently, Makoto uses most of her leaps frivolously, to prevent undesirable situations from happening, including an awkward love confession from her best friend Chiaki. Makoto realizes that she has a numbered tattoo on her arm indicating the limited amount of times she can time leap. Using her remaining time leaps, Makoto attempts to make things right for everyone. When Chiaki calls Makoto to ask if she has been time-leaping, she uses her final time leap to prevent Chiaki's call. In the meantime, Makoto's friend Kōsuke Tsuda and his new girlfriend, Kaho Fujitani, borrow her faulty bike. Makoto attempts to stop them, but because she had just used her final leap, she arrives too late to the crossing only to watch them get hit by the train.

A moment later, Chiaki freezes time, telling Makoto that he is from the future. He explains that the walnut-shaped object is a time-traveling device, and he used it to leap through time hoping to see a special painting that is being restored by Kazuko, as it has been destroyed in the future. While walking with Makoto in the frozen city, Chiaki also explains that he stayed longer in her time frame than he originally planned. Consequently, he has used his final leap to ensure Kōsuke's existence and has stopped time only to explain to Makoto what the results will be. Having revealed his origins and the nature of the item that allowed Makoto to leap through time, and now unable to return to his own time period, Chiaki must leave. Makoto then realizes that she loves him.

True to his words, Chiaki disappears once time resumes. Initially distraught by Chiaki's disappearance, Makoto discovers that Chiaki's time-leap had inadvertently restored her time-leap: Chiaki had leaped back to the time before Makoto used her final leap. Makoto uses it to safely leap back to the moment right after she gained her powers, at which point Chiaki still has one remaining time-leap, and recovers the used up time-travel device. Makoto explains her knowledge of everything and shows the device to Chiaki. Makoto vows to ensure the painting's existence so Chiaki can see it in his era. Before Chiaki departs, he tells Makoto that he will be waiting for her in the future. When Kōsuke asks her where Chiaki went, she says that he went to study abroad, and that he made a decision about his own future.

>> No.9065056 [View]
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i just want to write something, anything. I don't know where this will end up and i don't...c-ceasar... why, seriously, why did he have to die? Keine ahnung man, ich will nur schlaffen, said the nameless hot blonde you met during your trip to Drama - Greece.
Think about it this way, the biggest realizations you have in life, are by far the simplest ones. Let us take other forms of art, like movies. Movies can change you, movies can change people a LOT more than any political speech would, yet, if, let's say, if a thousand people watch The Matrix, they would've all watched the same thing, 1:1, of course the reception would be different for everyone, but this doesn't change the fact that they all saw The Matrix and only that. Take a Lite book now, The Catcher in the Rye. Every single one of those 1000 people that will (be forced to, LMAOOO) read it, everyone will have a different yet exactly the same experience. Depends on the world you're going to build inside your head. How do we even visualize moving pictures while reading at the same time? And that's when i remembered that my bigger brother used to chase me around the house, overpower me and hold me down while spitting on my face, making me watch the slimey spit-thread fall slowly, surely and unavoidable on my face. Mother, of course, did not believe me. so the same day, after she went to work, i set up a camera in the living roon. Went to my brothers place, and taunted him, he jumped of his chair and chased me, i had to make it to the living room, i did. He grabbed me like always, dragged me down, and farted on my face. all of this happened while we didn't exchange a single word. I had evidence now. He never did it again.
It's late again, sleeping is one of the few things in life that become harder the harder you try. Three stages, i mean states, three states of mind:

1. Pre-masturbation
2. After-Masturbation
3. Those 5 minutes right after you wake up

Think about how drastically different each of these states are.
The ranking is intentional. I am pretty sure 99% of suicides happen when people ejaculate in the first 5 minutes of waking up.

The only reason why people try to become relevant is because of time. We don't have much time yet we want to make a big impact in history. We want to live forever. if the technology to achieve immortality (or any analogue) becomes available, there won't be any need to do that anymore, then and ONLY then will we find inner peace, wisdom and Love. Religion was right.

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