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>> No.7073350 [View]
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>thinking the How and the Why are mutually exclusive
>not knowing the concept of the Absolute/Monad/Source is universal across nearly all mystic and esoteric traditions
>thinking entertaining the idea of a transcendental origin of reality is "backwards ancient reasoning" because hurr durr it's 2015 bro, dont ya know, we got iphones now and shit like me on facebook
>averting your gaze from the spiritual and moral wasteland muh empiricism juggernaut has left the children of modernity to contend with for generations to come
>still can't answer why there's something instead of nothing without resorting to eternally regressive "hurr it's just math and shit i guess" mumbly no-answers

nice fedora brosef, you get that on sale

>> No.6875108 [View]
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>all these faggots itt triggered by a hot girl talking philosophy

>> No.6803543 [View]
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>"In the same way, monks, those things that I have known with direct knowledge but have not taught are far more numerous [than what I have taught]. And why haven't I taught them? Because they are not connected with the goal, do not relate to the rudiments of the holy life, and do not lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding. That is why I have not taught them.

rekt by ur own riposte

>> No.6797684 [View]
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actually swearing adds flavor to characterization and more often than not a little humor.

christ the faggots on this board. everyone needs to talk like they're dictating a thesis paper or bust hrugrghnhhsgd

>> No.6792693 [View]
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This post is ridiculous.

The hinge of your argument is essentially "dissolving into the Absolute is icky". You find the personal God of Christianity more spiritually fulfilling, fine, but don't caricaturize pantheists as brainwashed hippies trying to dissolve back into spiritual soup.

Second, there's no difference between entering back into the One vs. the Kingdom of God. Both are transcendental states of supreme bliss and fulfillment. You could argue that you retain your individuality in Heaven, but I could just as easily say your individuality is a paltry thing compared to the Ultimate.

Entering into the pantheistic God is proceeding up gradations of Being to the Center. Are you angry at time and biology for maturing you and changing who you were as a little kid? It is the same process, a process of spiritual evolution and maturation. You do not lose your individuality as much as truly gain it, and in gaining it understand that kernel of spirit you carry with you is one of many, derived from the same Source.

Plotinus likened the Absolute to a sun that radiates light. It cannot help it. It is also not diminished by this giving off of light and life. Being proceeds down the ladder from the Perfect Being all the way down to Nonbeing - matter and in some connotations, evil and spiritual death. If there must be an Is, a Truth (and all that it implies, such as love and beauty) it must also encapsulate an Anti-Truth.

I find this infinitely more elegant an explanation for the nature of reality than a God that wired the brainsof sadists to go into orgiastic frenzies at the sight of other beings in pain, a God that created a universe where every being down to the last microbe is locked in a struggle for resources. I concede that Christ is the ultimate expression of Divine in the material sphere, but your personal God is a small God.

>> No.6790028 [View]
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>reading to appear "intellectual"

>> No.6785509 [View]
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i've learned so much about just shooting the shit with people at house parties. their jobs, their skills, where they're from, not to mention funny stories.

if you love life and aren't some perenially assmad sperglord it's a genuine pleasure to learn a little bit about all the other lives being led out there. you sound like a dweeb tbh

>> No.6783881 [View]
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>reading for girls

>> No.6783671 [View]
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>thinks music in movies is ok because it's background noise
>thinks playing music while reading for background noise isn't background noise
>disregards an important element of film because it is not the primary focus
>being this autistic

some of the yahoos that post on this board man, heysuuuus christooooooooooooo

>> No.6782688 [View]
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>he thinks being averse to pain is patriarchal propaganda

>> No.6776071 [View]
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hahah so many triggered faggots itt

oh what's that men were expected to be strong in mind and body when there was more life than just steam sales SAY IT AINT SO

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