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>> No.11385595 [View]
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>this thread
>mfw I literally work for the government in foreign intelligence

You guys want to know the actual truth? The ACTUAL actual truth?

1. Russia has ZERO political influence outside of Eastern Europe. This isn't the soviet era. That guy posting wikipedia (lol) links can keep throwing a hissy fit all he likes, he'll never change reality. We're the ones pushing the "Russia is behind everything" propaganda. You want my opinion? I don't think anyone believes it either. Some retards out there are so emotionally attached to the media that they will echo whatever the talking heads on TV tell them, even if they know damn well it's a lie.

2. Hitler WAS a fucking retard. He was a socialist faggot funded by jewish bankers, surrounded by jews, and was a jew himself. Most of his rhetoric was him saying whatever he needed to say to get elected. He wasn't "fighting to save the white race", he was just a stupid bastard who wanted to rule the world. The part that everyone gets wrong though? The western allies were no different. WWII was nothing more than political chess to see who would rule the geopolitical order in the aftermath of the war. 200-some MILLION people dead, so that a bunch of bankers could rule over earth. Look up who funded ALL sides involved including the soviets and the asians. The fact that you gullible rubes romanticize anything about that shit tier war just shows how gullible and easily controlled you are.

3. Fascism sucks. And we know it. Which is why we push it as the only alternative to cultural marxism (which is closer to literal fascism than national socialism ever was). There's a lot of shit the government doesn't want you to believe or to advocate for. They push shit that they consider harmless to themselves and tell you that it's "opposition" to make you think you're "fighting against the jews" (lol) or whatever when you're really just being herded like a bunch of stupid sheep. Everyone from Alex Jones to Evalion from YouTube are puppets set up by shady motherfuckers to get you retards believing in the "alt-right" (lol again) instead of something that could actually threaten the elites.

4. /pol/ is mostly a role-playing board. Most of the posters aren't even white. Don't think ANYTHING on there is meant to be taken seriously. A LOT of it is outright leftwing propaganda disguised as "le red-pills" (FUCKING LOL).

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