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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22758767 [View]
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>500 word essay due in 3 weeks

>> No.21997798 [View]
File: 17 KB, 509x411, pepe smoking in despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would you make up a story like this
What's unbelievable about it, anon? You never randomly got depressed due to internal issues when among people? Being around dozens of people but at the same feeling not part of the group really fucks you up. I just went to the bathroom to take a breather, but there were books inside (the owner of the building has a large collection) so I just sat and read for half an hour or so. To this day I question why my friends called me a sociopath for that, but oh well.

I understand that for a person that never leaves the house this story may sounds weird, but people who are social can still be unhappy, you know?

>> No.21199126 [View]
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As a philosophy student for three years, I agree almost entirely agree with you. I went on to study it because I hoped to learn how think in the high way, to widen my horizonts and understand what should be done, in general. Instead I got myriad of proto-scientists who are mostly known for insightful observations on human psuchology, logical fallacies or just liking to poke holes at fallible intelectual constructs. Not to mention theology.

Just recently I've started reading Nietzsche, and what did I get? Linguistics, Philology, History, Psychology and something that I could vaguely categorize as Self-Help. You could call it Philosophy only if you were really reaching, despite him talking about morals.

I am thoroughly disillusioned with philosophy and can only accept its calue as a area of study concerned with everything that doesn't allow itself to be categorized under sepcific sciences. No wonder people no longer care much about philosophy, when you take away insightful remarks, rhetoric and personality-worship all that remains is schizo gibberish about 'Spirit.'

Not to say reading philosophy isn't useful for some people, there is a reaosn why basically only intelligent people did it, but these days reading Camus or Nietzsche should be done to feel inspired, to commune with great pieces of literature. Exactly like reading great fiction. Just don't forget, at every step, that you are not supposed to take those things literally.

I'm still satisfied with my study of it and don't consider it a time wasted, but I know that in the future I should be way more picky with what I read. Instead, I will focus on Cognitivism, Psychology and hard-sciences. Nothing else appears to have any practical value.

>> No.20656848 [View]
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I've just read yet another a classic 'Greater Good' vs 'Morality' conundrum in a fantasy, where a powerful character mind controls other less powerful and not really good people to defeat other evil character (not absolutely evil, just an evil racist emperor who's also extremely powerful). Now, I don't want to talk about THIS specific conundrum, but the way it was WRITTEN. Was it too blunt of the character to mention 'greater good' and 'the consequences justify the means'?

Not from a moral stand-point, but from a literary one. It wasn't BAD writing, but I instinctively felt that I read better examples of this in other stories. Like, it was too direct, it had some nuance, but aside of 'there are things that just shouldn't be done, even if great catastrophe is unavoidable consequence' there wasn't anything standing against the idea. This kind of conflict appears somewhat shallow to me, not providing any noteworthy concepts to consider, just 'greater good.' It's shallow.

What would make it a better story? Maybe if it was more nuanced, like 'The Emperor is generally considered bad from a moral stand-point, but not TOO bad, people aren't too oppresed under him, the empire is ran competently and doesn't tread its citizens and just a resource, but actually cares about them in a relevant way.' And to that add a personal reason to oppose him by a another character, something understandable, but still ultimately selfish as it would not lead to good outcomes, even if the emperor is 'bad.'

Am I wrong to think about it like that? I'm not saying that only more nuanced stories are better, but it would make it much more interesting in my eyes, more complication and nuance than 'this bends our morality.' Something that bends morality, leads to a bad outcome in general, has even 'good' characters take a stand against the action, BUT still remains a clearly understandable goal to be pursued by other characters?

Would such a conflict be more Kino than the one I described at the beginning?

>> No.20351033 [View]
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>shilling a **man "author"

>> No.18260347 [View]
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>Reread book because I want to find a passage I liked
>Can't find it again

Why does this keep happening?

>> No.16319295 [View]
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>Are you reading everything you said you would this year, anon?

>> No.15897181 [View]
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I read Catch 22 after I ruptured my kidney and laughed so hard that my internal bleeding resumed. Worth it.

>> No.14644633 [View]
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Do you read the terms of service on things? Or what about privacy policy? Or any other inclusive legally binding literature?

>> No.14171512 [View]
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are there any books that will make me feel?
something that will make me feel literally anything...

>> No.13357514 [View]
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I've been in school my entire life (minus a year or so after high school where I was too depressed to get out of bed).
I'm wrapping up my Master's thesis and will graduate next semester after 8 years at my university.

I'm fucking petrified. Am I supposed to be this nervous? Should I go for a PhD and just stay in academia?

>> No.13149838 [View]
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I'm graduating with a BS in Computer Science next semester.
I took literally zero literature courses.

I took a film class that I really enjoyed. I wanted to take some more, but Florida charges you double tuition when you go over a certain number of credits so I couldn't afford to.
Same reason I didn't finish my Economics minor. Same reason I didn't take some literature courses out of personal interest.
Florida law basically makes you study your degree and nothing else. If you deviate even slightly, it will cost you thousands of dollars.

>> No.12690470 [View]
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>hate self with a passion
>diagnosed with autism when young
>never had friends because would hit and insult other kids
>argued with teachers daily about homework and not doing it
>kicked out of two schools for low grades
>was unable and unwilling to understand the material discussed in class
>parents treated me well at home despite this
>I treated them poorly, regret it nowadays
>stared at the walls for fun through adolescence
>still my favorite and only hobby
>going a little loopy as an adult, just some slight visual and mental warping
>seeing things as different things, physical stimuli sometimes gets interpreted as mental stimuli
>it's almost like my subconscious is over-throwing me because I've done such a bad job at playing leader
>want to do some reading on being a better Brain Operator
Please post books to help. I've already read The Stranger and Meditations. Meditations was more what I'm looking for. Siddhartha was great too. The Bible is already on my reading list.

>> No.12500460 [View]
File: 18 KB, 509x411, deranged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, 100%.
>moved apartments because of noise multiple times
>got a massive case of oneitis
>hopeless relationship with my father

>> No.12440477 [View]
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I can't write what's on my mind when nothing is on my mind - and that's the problem.
Much like writers, software engineers suffer from writer's block, and this particular bout has bothered me for several days now.
Not a single line of code in almost a week. Deadlines encroach but I feel nothing. Not fear or anxiety, not impatience or concern.
I sat and watched a blinking cursor for over two hours today and not a single thought crossed my mind.

>> No.12321115 [View]
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I'm graduating with my bachelor's degree this Summer.
I didn't take a single literature class, and almost feel as if I missed out on something.

What are the essential "must reads" for an ungrad student?

>> No.12016597 [View]
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That explains why i'm hating it, i'm supposed to do practice with a paper about a fucking musical play about hamilton. inb4 underaged, I switched late to English

>> No.11907891 [View]
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Any books about having a midlife crisis?

>> No.11599332 [View]
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Would you rather die now or live forever ?

>> No.11588801 [View]
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/b/ -> /pol/ -> /p/, /ck/ -> /biz/ -> /g/ -> /lit/, /trv/ -> /r9k/ -> /g/ -> /biz/ -> /fit/, /lit/

this feels like I am caught in a loop

>> No.11494189 [DELETED]  [View]
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My boss says I'm too ambitious.

Can /lit/ help me be less ambitious?

>> No.11071968 [View]
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What's the ultimate high school "assigned reading" list?

I'm a high school dropout that went to community college.
I CLEP'd the required English/Literature credits, so I haven't had an English/literature course with assigned reading since the 8th grade.
Sometimes I feel like I've missed out by not reading the books that you would expect from high school and early college literature classes.

In junior high, I read "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Catcher in the Rye", "Things Fall Apart", "Night", and probably a few others.

Where do I go from here?

>> No.10033352 [View]
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What's the /lit/ equivalent of this:

>You're not supposed to read it, nobody's ever actually read it. We all just say we've read it, talk about how brilliant it is, and place it prominently on our office bookshelves to silently humblebrag to anyone who drops by.


>> No.9945757 [View]
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I need a book to help me with my low self worth, self loathing, laziness, hopelessness and insecurity. Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks in advance.

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