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>> No.22890089 [View]
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The "Holocaust" was a ho-hum systematic killing of probably under a million people that was easily outstripped by what the USSR did in a dozen different ways, and what all the Western nations had been doing to colonial and indigenous peoples and their enemies (the Boers) for years anyway. It was a drop in the bucket of the inevitable phenomenon of modern technology applied to total war. In fact it was rather mild compared to what the Nazis were capable of. Everybody was interested in eugenics at the time, it was normal right into the 1940s to talk about sterilizing retards and so on. Even nowadays Israel sterilizes Ethiopian Jews when it can get away with it. The biopolitical engineering that is to come will make the 20th century look like a warm-up, especially from countries like China when the gloves are off and they can convert entire historic peoples into slave drones, probably using MKULTRA style mind control and who fucking knows what else.

This shows "The Holocaust" is 98% narrative, 2% fact. Take the narrative away and place it back in its actual historical context and it's no unique creation myth. The Allies would have found their creation myth even if there had been nothing at all to work with. They were already doing pic related in WW1, another creation myth, but one nobody remembers now because the Jews are much better victim characters than the Belgians.

>> No.22887322 [View]
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Carroll Quigley talks in Tragedy & Hope about how the whole "they're melting people down into soap!!!" shit was started as official anti-Central Powers propaganda in WW1, I guess they just dusted it off for round two in WW2?

Apparently people were just so unused to being brazenly manipulated like this that they were ultra-susceptible to it for the first few generations of its use. It was pioneered by the same guys who founded modern advertising, like Bernays. Lippmann (author of Public Opinion) was also a major figure in WW1 propaganda. At this time, Western society was self-consciously transitioning from 19th century "actual faith in liberal democracies" to late 19th century "uhh this shit isn't really working" to 20th century "manufacture of consent regimes." And I mean self-consciously. Guys like Lippmann and major Wall Street / Anglo-American establishment figures (to use Quigley's term) were basically mirroring right-wing and left-wing critiques of they brokenness of actual liberal democratic consensus-building, and openly saying "if we want to maintain stability, we have to start systematically manipulating people now."

Chomsky's old Manufacturing Consent documentary/book is still good, also I recommend watching HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis to get you in the right frame of mind:

>> No.22381038 [View]
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Versailles was so farcical even the victorious Allied nations felt bad about it and basically discredited it. Everybody knew WW1 had been a function of 1991 politics and turn of the century geopolitical gridlock. Nobody actually thought Germany was "responsible" for WW1. It was a bizarre, moralizing, even creepy thing to say. Statesmen and military men were forced to talk like little girls fighting on a playground.

Wars are wars. Germany fought well, nobody wanted another one, etc., but nobody actually thought Germany was "evil." They were pursuing perfectly understandable aims. All the actual men involved in the war, politically and strategically, intuitively understood this. The differences as always were in matters of detail, which is the tragic element of war: "we killed eachother over this?" and so on. But it wasn't some big mystery. The Brits understood their role in the brinksmanship of the '90s and '00s, everybody understood WW1 was basically inevitable.

But the "PR" machines by the end of the war were in control of the governments that originally brought them in as a strategic aid, at the behest of the financial powers (the Anglo-American Establishment). Again, all actual men involved knew what was going on. There were plans for years to integrate Europe after its inevitable conflagration (however it had panned out) into Britain's "economic system," and to open every nation in the world to foreign (read: American and British stockbrokers') capital.

France was a useful idiot in this whole process because its proximity to Germany and defeats in the war made it think the world was still operating on 1870 logic. It wanted to humiliate and defeat its almost-conqueror Germany, without realizing JP Morgan and Rothschild had utterly conquered it from within.

>> No.22075718 [View]
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>(pic related, from Quigley)

>> No.21052055 [View]
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Nazis "started" the war by refusing the 24/7 IV drip of Jewish/Anglo-American capital, de facto declaring war on the global hegemony by breaking the bondage of interest

The Western powers' plans for Germany's dismemberment after the war, which they halted only because the Soviet golem they created became stronger and more autonomous than they had anticipated (because they are stupid), show what they intended for Germany all along, vassalization and parcelization into "post-national" bits that can be easily manipulated by degrading people into retards so they are incapable of exercising their now meaningless democratic rights to any effect, and in the rare instances where they actually do try to vote their way out of the shit you've mired them in, swamp them in immigrants or justify some COVID lockdown shit to destroy them economically and throw them into disarray

The Anglo-American (and international Jewish) establishment wants the entire world to be a mix of the EU nanny meta-government and the CCP, soft control most of the time with the ability to do hard control in trumped-up "emergencies"

The Axis powers simply saw this world order coming and tried to create another

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