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>> No.14531364 [View]
File: 30 KB, 681x383, kiss my ass, you fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss my ass, you 4chan fascists and fuckboys. I, the true and honest Dr. George J. Ciccariello-Maher, Ph.D, hereby declare divine jihad against the Hitler-worshipping buffoons on this disgusting site. You represent everything evil in the world, but the Marxist revolution will win in the end. I'm not afraid to stand up to you bullies. I'm a committed scholar, a deeply ethical writer, and a terrific human being. I'm selfless and I'm brave and I live my life for formal education and true and honest communism. I once debated Tucker the Sucker Carlson on live TV and handed his ass to him so hard he almost cancelled his bullshit show for good. I regularly get into fistfights with Proud Boys and neo-nazis and terfs and I always win. Even the police are afraid of me. I truly do not give a fuck what you assclowns think of me. I abandoned my own wife and son like a real man to hook up with one of my students and I haven't lost any sleep about it, so there. You're too chickenshit to face me IRL and you're afraid to debate me here. Just by fearlessly posting this quality content, I have singlehandedly defeated the demon known as 4chan once and for all and there's absolutely NOTHING that any of you fashy fools can do about it. So suck the smegma off my big juicy dick while you finger my muscular anus, why don't you? And while you're at it, buy my book Decolonizing Dialectics. (pic extremely related; it's me in all my glory)

>> No.14498414 [View]
File: 30 KB, 681x383, kiss my ass, you fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup, bitches and bootlickers? The name's Dr. George Ciccariello-Maher, Ph.D and don't wear it out. I'm a committed scholar, a deeply ethical writer, and a terrific human being. I'm selfless and I'm brave and I live my life for the Marxist revolution. I make a cool 100 thousand dollars a year as a professor and I get mad pussy. My female students can't get enough of this big D, yo! I get in street fights with Proud Boys and I always win. Anyway, the reason I'm posting here is to recommend my magnum opus "Decolonizing Dialectics." If you've got half a brain, it will convert you into a hardcore communist just like me. It's much, much better than any of that boring crap you read by dead white supremacist fascists like Dostoevsky and Pynchon. Rest in power to my fans on this board and fuck everybody else. George C-M out!

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