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>> No.9691201 [View]
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>If you don't try to subsume the contradiction within logic you will bring out contradiction into the world.
>Refusing to face the dragon and letting it invisibly feast in the ether until it grows big and horrible.
Capitalism: Here Be Dragons

I love this post, btw. Because I think you're right. Or at least there are, as >>9689079 indicates, multiple ways of subsuming the contradiction with logic because there are multiple ways of being logical
>or is it that there are an infinite multitude of *thinking* you're logical when in fact one is just being real feckin' stupid

This is why the West/China/capitalism/dragons idea is interesting to think about. Us humans *can* understand symbols, we *can't* - and maybe shouldn't - understand all that proceeds out of Capital.

To subsume the dragon under logic or to *not* subsume the dragon under logic? Both are valid answers and both have been historically tried. The West's approach seems to have been historically better but it now increasingly appears to be on the back foot (much of its telos having, in a sense, transcended itself and becoming the Planetary) and China's century may only be dawning now.

The dangerous and fragile territory seems to be in the middle.

Hegel's thought is pretty incredible. In a sense he will always be right, in a way: the Spirit is (is it not?) always in a state of coming-to-be. He can think immanence in the same way Deleuze can. Girard does eschatology better, since he's pretty sure that whenever an eschaton gets immanentized it's usually around a smoking craterful of dead bodies. Was it/will it be worth it? Depends on who you ask, but in the end it will be something he will have seen before. Badiou talks about the Event the same way. As things converge all these thinkers tend to take their place around the same ideas, to my mind. But the Hegelpill is strong medicine, esp in terms of how contradictions are historically resolved.

>No one likes he who summons dragons. Especially when someone turns your pet dragon into world destroying autopoetic truth machine.
How's *this* for a 21C luxury item: encountering an Other You who thinks and says the exact same things you think. Fuck replicants, more /lit/!

>This is where ritual and listening to the gods play a role. Join a dragon slaying guild before you summon the dragon.

>The Logos is fragile, chaos is antifragile.
the tiger is out
And we can see it in reverse (but not quite perfectly!): the Tao. The Tao is good with dragons because they have different dragons...

>Chaos is not something you "experiment" with without adult supervision.
I'm fucking nodding and swaying and punching the air like it's a Southern Gospel sermon when I hear this.

Interesting post anon. In the hyperstitial nether is anything ever *really* is apropos of nothing though?


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