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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22124288 [View]
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Look, I said what I said to give you a bit of a shock, a bit of a kick in the ass, so you can know to overlook this shit. It's important not to look down on yourself. It's ok to be who you are. It's ok to live, and exist, and occupy space in the world. Find out what you love, and do that. You are not those other people who want you to do this and that. You are yourself. And you have wants too. What do you want? What is important to you? What is natural to you? Figure that out, and do that. And you're not pathetic, and you can stop it. There is nothing to stop in the first place. You're actively going out of your way to consider these things - this is an extra effort on top of normal existence. If you look within and are willing to just let all these chaotic and pointless thoughts go, you will see that you still have things you want to do. And you'll be able to do them. Before you try to do anything, learn to relax and be authentic to yourself. Once you are like that, once you have attained calm, you will do things automatically, almost as if you don't have to put any effort in, because you'll know what you want and you'll gravitate towards doing what you want.
>Not knowing who's going to judge me just makes it all the more terrifying.
Well, allow me to spoil the surprise. You're on /lit/, so we are all gay retards here. If anyone judges you, you can picture a fat gay retard clicking his tongue on the other end of the world.
>My work has never been critiqued before. There's about a 99% chance that it's crap, I'm aware of this. But having that confirmed would crush me, because it'd mean I'm bad at doing something I love, something that I've put a lot of time into. It's happened with other hobbies I tried to get into. I put a lot of effort into it, I tried sharing it, a close friend criticized my skill, and I lost all faith in my ability to improve.
You know what that means though, right? That's extreme clinging, extreme desire for control, extreme lack of confidence, extreme fear of failure. Failure is normal. Look around you, for God's sake. I mean, I hate that fat fuck Churchill, but he really was right when he said "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm". Everybody fails. This is normal. This is how we grow and learn. Not to mention that a harsh critique doesn't necessarily mean that you're the one who failed - it is perfectly possible that the critic is the one who failed. Please understand that you are not God, nor is anyone on this board God, nor is anyone outside this board God. We all make mistakes. It is an indispensable part of life. Stop being afraid of mistakes. You have value as a human being, totally independently of any skill or practical use that the world may have for you. Respect yourself. A skill is something you have, not something you depend on for your raison d'etre. It can't provide you with that. If you try to get that from it, all you'll do is lose confidence and gain fear

>> No.19277580 [View]
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, fce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anyone else here with the same problem?"

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