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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16429157 [View]
File: 26 KB, 400x388, Pepe bloodshot eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a suspicion I may be on the spectrum... should I try and find out, or is it better to stay ignorant and think I'm just a loner/weirdo?

>> No.16104599 [View]
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It reads like a conspiracy theory:
>What triggered this profound shift was literacy’s reliance on the analytic thought processes linked to the brain’s left hemisphere. Meanwhile, the feminine traits associated with the right hemisphere were systematically devalued. This imbalance revealed itself in many ways, including a cultural decline in goddess worship and the status of women. (p. 2)
>Literacy, especially alphabet literacy, caused a biological effect that led to a fundamental change in the way cultures understood their reality. Some neuropathways in the brain were reinforced while others withered. Goddess worship, feminine values, and women’s power had depended on the ubiquity of the image. God worship, masculine values, and the paradigm of patriarchy rose with the written word. This was—and is—literacy’s hidden cost. (p. 5)
>Athens [...] produced history’s greatest concentration of thinkers, along with the first extended experiment in democracy and a rich tradition in the visual arts. The literacy-loving Athenians were the first to debate the merits of aesthetics, and they espoused many values that we associate with the feminine. (p. 6)
>Given these contrasts, one would assume that women fared better in Athenian society. The opposite was true. Athenian women were excluded from education, government, and public affairs. For all its state-sanctioned hardships and brutality, Sparta was more egalitarian. Girls and boys were educated in nearly the same manner in Sparta, and women competed in athletics. (p. 6)
>Russia, of course, was in the grip of its own malignant delirium. Thanks in part to its own sacred text, Marx’s Communist Manifesto, the now-familiar litany of left-hemispheric assaults against right-sided values had swept that land as well. The communists purged art, color, gaiety, and laughter from society. Clothing became drab, buildings gray, and smiles disappeared as people pored over their new black-and-white text. Dogma replaced rational discussion. Though communism often oppressed women, it was Mother Nature that suffered the most grievous wounds as the anti-feminine assault in the name of “industrialization” despoiled much of Russia’s pristine landscape. (p. 8)
>A show about adorable koala bears elicits essentially the same brain wave pattern as one containing violence or sexuality. In contrast, reading generates beta waves, which appear when a person is concentrating on a task. Task-oriented beta waves activate the masculine/aggressive side
of the brain of both men and women; alpha and theta waves emanate more from the feminine/nurturer side of both men and women. (p. 9)

>> No.16036835 [View]
File: 26 KB, 400x388, DtEo0sCW0AEqOJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>walk into bookstore with raging erection
>pick up Blood Meridian and hide behind the curtains

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