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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7512891 [SPOILER]  [View]
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these things happen sometimes

>> No.7501798 [View]
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Do you ever feel like you're forcing yourself to read?

I'm afraid that I'm forcing myself to read and I'm afraid that I'm forcing myself to enjoy reading in general. Is this a common anxiety?

The last book I finished was The Crying of Lot 49 and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I actually had more fun reading it than I've had reading in a long time, but I constantly felt it nagging for my attention when I wasn't reading it (Lot 49).

I don't know. I'm just venting my anxieties. Maybe it's a (post)modernist thing to be terrified of whether I'm engaging in an activity genuinely or not.

>> No.7418929 [View]
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>started reading The Crying of Lot 49 this week
>tfw Pynchon's writing makes me feel inadequate, both as a reader and a writer
>tfw 99% of its depth goes over my head

How do you guys deal with this (assuming you do)?

>> No.7298482 [View]
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>take books from my local library for years
>never have problems, always return them on time, never lost or damaged a single book
>today i took some books i borrowed back
>"you have another unreturned book, when you're gonna bring it"
>i thought i did
>nervously mutter "y-yeah, i'll return it soon"
>run back home
>start looking for that fucking book
>nowhere in sight, i searched every fucking corner
>must've lost it somewhere, have no fucking clue where it is
>mfw my good reputation in library will be ruined forever
>mfw i'll be forced to pay a fine or buy a new book because i lost it

fuck fuck fuck fuck what do i do

>> No.7221782 [View]
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>appreciating the aesthetics of a work is plebby

You're a dingus.

>> No.7126610 [View]
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> Shoah
> Ikiru
> La belle Et la Bete
> The Passion of Joan Of Arc
> Tokyo Story
> Apu trilogy
> last year in Marienbad

Please be my wife or husband.

>> No.7109682 [View]
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Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49
Mishima's The Templer Of The Golden Pavillion and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
Arthur Machen's The White People And Other Weird Stories
Nikolai Gogol's The Diary Of A Madman, The Government Inspector And Selected Stories
Hubert Selby Jr's The Demon and The Room
De Las Casas' A Short Account Of The Destruction Of The Indies

Bought quite a few recently just before I start my third year at uni - I read a lot on my daily commute and I usually read before lectures and during breaks too.

>> No.6484699 [View]
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> Jessica breaking down in a giggle as he reaches for the spot along her sweatered flank he knows she can't bear to be tickled in. She hunches, squirming, out of the way as he rolls past, bouncing off the back of the sofa but making a nice recovery, and by now she's ticklish all over, he can grab an ankle, elbow -
> But a rocket has suddenly struck. A terrific blast quite close beyond the village: the entire fabric of the air, the time, is changed - the casement window blown inward, rebounding with a wood squeak to slam again as all the house still shudders.
> Their hearts pound. Eardrums brushed taut by the overpressure ring in pain. The invisible train rushes away close over the rooftop.
> They sit still as the painted dogs now, silent, oddly unable to touch. Death has come in the pantry door: stands watching them, iron and patient, with a look that says try to tickle me.

Way to give me goosebumps, Pynchon..

>> No.6427324 [View]
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what the fucking fuck

>> No.4563965 [View]
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John Dies At The End and This Book Is Filled With Spiders both have great narration and are fun as hell already.
No Country For Old Men is eerie I loved it. Blood Meridian's narration is so hard to listen to without dozing off or losing focus.
Hitchhiker's Guide is fun.
The Godfather was good.
Cloud Atlas was difficult to focus on during Adam Ewing's parts but engaging otherwise.
The Art Of War was narrated in a military training style I dug it.
The Shining was great.
1984 was pretty emotional especially near the end.
Animal Farm is another hard one to focus on.
Hyperion is interesting as hell but has God awful narration.
And Song Of Ice And Fire is GOAT.

I'll probably get called a pleb for these books but fuck it it's audible not a damn lit class.

>> No.4309875 [View]
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I masturbated during the lesbian rape scene in Norwegian Wood and I masturbated several times during whore fucking scenes in Catch 22. I read 23 chapters of 50 Shades of Grey before giving up. I never even got an erection once. The book is just terrible.

>> No.3350786 [View]
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>trying to find like a literary mag that publishes short stories
>oh hey anon i found a place that will probably take horror stories
>look it up
>"Corpse Fuck is looking for stories between 400-3000 words that involve sex and violence. Pays exposure."

has anyone here had any luck getting their work published, even if it was on some shitty e-zine website?

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